The Economic War Against the Jews, by Walter Henry Nelson & Terence Prittie
Cosgrave, Patrick
BOOKS IN REVIEW - "The Economic War Against the Jews, by Walter Henry Nelson & Terence Prittie" White Russians were "six of one and half a-dozen of the other.... We are still forced to distinguish between right and wrong, loyalty and treachery, health and disease, progress and...
...and that individual Arab countries have always ignored its provisions when these do not suit their national interests...
...L. Blumenfeld...
...The rot fed to our children, and what you can do...
...9.95 494 THE HOLY BIBLE-Family Reading Edition...
...Publishers Weekly...
...9.95 71 THE UNMAKING OF A MAYOR-Wm...
...Even better [than the first excellent volume...
...Without the means to resist the demands of groups which were themselves without any incentives to exercise self-restraint, Lindsay caved in...
...Teddy, Chappaquiddick and the big cover-up...
...Rich in valuable features: 67 color paintings by the great Tissot...
...15.00 458 CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY: Vol 2-Murray N. Rothbard...
...These institutions, released from the constraints and benefits of participating in the governingcoalition, suddenly became outsiders, freed of the obligation to compromise and encouraged to pursue their goals more aggressively... page edges and stamping...
...Yet his switch to reform politics marked the beginning of the fragmentation of the city's politics...
...And if any part of that assertion be doubted, one need only look at the terms of a form which the government of Saudi Arabia insists must be completed by any company trading within its borders...
...Quantities of information about the activities of third-country companies are often demanded by the boycott authorities...
...Brilliant young writer refutes the updaters-with the words of Jesus Himself...
...large type...
...splendid stimulus to a critically needed self-examination...
...and with the accretion of their oil wealth the Arabs have certainly been making the boycott more effective in recent years...
...Make extra thousands on your bank accounts...
...The famed financial maverick delivers a sobering message...
...Such a misunderstanding of government powers does more than obscure the true nature of the crisis...
...How to outwit, even profit from, the coming controls-legally...
...And, even if all the humiliating and sometimes disabling conditions are met, there is no guarantee of advantage gained...
...Thus, for example, a company in Pritain who trades in engineering goods might find itself blacklisted because it buys its stationery from a company which sells stationery in Israel...
...As one commentator said, "the engine room still has a Jewish heart...
...106-page Concordance and Cyclopedia of Bible Facts...
...First time in English...
...8.95 180 McCARTHY Bt HIS ENEMIES-Wm...
...feisty, fighting hook...
...Or—more obviously sinister—the same company might be blacklisted because it trades with another company which has a Jew on its board... being used against Jews, whether they are of American, British, or any other nationality...
...Michael L. Culbert...
...Until the true character and intention of a man or regime became clear, the momentary use of extreme tactics did not instantly place him beyond the pale...
...A small, sardonic masterpiece...
...One can hardly complain about that, since they consider themselves to be in a state of war with her...
...Their rightto make appointments and promotions according to their own commercial judgment is challenged...
...if due to late mail delivery I get a Selection without having had 10 days to decide if I want it, 1 may return it at Club expense...
...It arose from attempts by Arab nationalists to boycott the activities—commercial and otherwise—of the Jewish community in Palestine...
...Lindsay adeptly put together an electoral coalition of upper-middle-class reformers and minority groups, but at the expense of support from the city's major political institutions and much of the middle class...
...As a result of concessions made by Lindsay to prevent another strike and "buy" union support, or at least neutrality, wages in the transit system (to cite one small example) rose 117 percent in the decade before the recent agreement, and now make up over 82 percent of the mass-transit budget at a time when the system's physical plant is in desperate need of revitalization...
...1: Cranmer's Godly Order...
...7.95 306 HOW TO TUTOR-S...
...In the final year of Wagner's tenure, the first in a long series 38 The American Spectator June/ July 1978...
...Henry Hazlitt assembles rebuttals by 22 masters: Hayek, Mises, Rueff, Roepke, Hutt, etc...
...This was clearly the assumption in the first mayoral campaign of John Lindsay, who on his first day in office delivered an attack on the "power brokers" who had allegedly run the city...
...9.95 369 THE ASSAULT ON THE SEXES-Jim & Andrea Fordham...
...The scope for distortion of, and damage to, the interests of individuals and especially small companies (vulnerable because they have fewer resources than .the giants) is obvious and considerable...
...8.95 377 HOW YOU CAN BEAT THE KILLER DIS- EASES-Harold W. Harper, M.D...
...444 pages...
...11.95 36 JFK: THE MAN & THE MYTH-Victor Lasky...
...Family Record Section...
...Over 600 pages...
...Churchill saw "a universally valid hierarchy of ends, universally valid rules of action...
...But on the way to these successes small companies, and cowardly companies, have suffered...
...It was promised a Land Rover manufacturing plant in Egypt, but never got it...
...The Saudis require a "solemn" declaration "that this company is not a Jewish company, nor controlled by Jews or Zionists...
...7.95 LITURGICAL REVOLUTIONMichael Davies 53$ Vol...
...This "elite" has always served as a convenient culprit for real and imagined ills, a role rendered superficially plausible by the ease with which the group can be identified and uncommon powers attributed to it...
...and the United States has been the first in any degree to act on that apprehension...
...8.95 472 THE COMING BREAKPOINT-Barry Goldwater...
...over 1,200 pages...
...British Leyland, my own country's largest, domestically-owned automobile manufacturer, gave up its assembly plant in Israel, and joined the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce...
...or to even the wilder wishes of a good customer...
...The boycott had its origin in events which took place long before the state of Israel was founded...
...I'll be offered a new Selection every 24 days-15 times a year...
...Jack Newfield, who over the years has exhaustively catalogued New York City's dirty political laundry in the pages of the Village Voice, and Paul DuBrul would have us believe that a ruling elite of no more than 2,000 men seeking personal gain was responsible for New York City's fiscal collapse...
...Informative text throws new light on the Gospel narratives...
...King James Version...
...That is a questionable matter, but could still be considered within their rights...
...Balanced, objective, best book on the subject...
...And, of course, the only power that can ensure equal treatment for all its own companies is the third-country government...
...Under dire circumstances actions might have to be taken which may yet be justified by necessity—perhaps survival itself...
...Richard Wurnibrand...
...Oversized 81/2 x 10...
...was the crippling 12-day strike by transit workers, which began within months of Lindsay's inauguration...
...Printed throughout on rich coated stock...
...Likewise, the U.S., which has engaged in a great deal of negotiation about the ethics of international trade with the EEC countries, could ensure their support for the anti-boycott provisions of various UN resolutions and of the OECD...
...73/4 x 91/2 luxury size: weighs 3 lbs., 15 oz...
...He quickly set out to humble the municipal labor unions, to tame the bureaucracy, and to pass ambitious legislation in the state capital, and he suffered quick defeats...
...Warm portraits of 13 heroes: Washington, Eddie Rickenbacker, Lee, Lincoln, MacArthur, Lindbergh, etc...
...It reveals the chronic self-deception of reform: the illusion that there exists an elite with enough power to create and perpetuate urban ills, and that reformers endowed with the same powers could therefore easily cure them after acceding to political office...
...It is time—especially following the 1977 meetings of American and European parliamentary delegations—for the American government to give lead and sustenance to the less secure, less certain, European governments as well...
...Lord Mancrift, a prominent British Jew, was driven from the board of the Norwich Union insurance company...
...National Review...
...The most notable Steven D. Lagerfeld is assistant editor of The Public Interest...
...The boycott has three interlocking dimensions...
...The complexities of modern industry and commerce are great...
...What followed had been foreshadowed during the administration of Lindsay's predecessor, Robert Wagner, who, after two terms in office as a Tammany Hall Democrat, unfurled his colors and ran as a reform Democrat in 1961...
...much more...
...What makes liberals that, way...
...A similar disaster occurred when Lindsay moved precipitously to decentralize the school system and succeeded, unnecessarily, in alienating the teaching professionals and the middle class whose cooperation could have minimized the dislocation...
...Wagner managed to retain much of his original support, particularly among the municipal labor unions, on the strength of past allegiances and his administration's equanimity...
...As things stand, the most powerful, and the most resistant, companies are American, just as the United States has been the foremost country in its refusal to comply with the injuries offered its citizens by the Arabs...
...Witty traditional look at the Unisex Society...
...Library Journal...
...It raised instead its own chorus of inchoate and unrestrained demands for reforms and services...
...and individual citizens of third countries have suffered in unknown numbers...
...New nutritional approaches that can help you live better-and longer...
...1 agree to buy 4 more ong more than 150 to be offered-books on politics, Communism, economics, conservative ideas, history, etc...
...a free subscription to the Club Bulletin, which brims with book opportunities to get in touch with my fellow members...
...First (the primary boycott), Arab countries refuse to trade with Israel...
...Second (the secondary boycott), they refuse to trade with companies who trade with Israel...
...K. Fitzpatrick...
...AT 205 Name Address Bill me forb only 890 for all 4, plus shipping, and Book Clu-the only book club expressly f books in the next 18 months from investing, religion, social issues Membership entitles me to bargains and offers me - buy Club books a 1 do nothin if I p am Zi City/State The American Spectator June/ July 1978 37 observing the boycott to register their observance...
...and often given...
...BOOK REVIEW The Abuse of Power: The Permanent Government and the Fall of New York Jack Newfield and Paul DuBrul / Viking Press / $12.50 Steven D. Lagerfeld The notion of a "permanent government," a ruling elite drawn from sources as diverse as banking and party politics, is an enduring feature of populist reform ideology...
...6.95 540 A CRITIQUE OF INTERVENTIONISMLudwig von Mises...
...10801 Please send me FREE Conservative Votes, Liberal Victories plus the 3 books whose numbers I have entered below: enter my membership in the Conservative or political conservatives...
...I do think the nation has less than ten years...
...The immense value of Prittie and Nelson's book lies in its worldwide coverage—relentless, detailed, and cumulative—of the operations and ramifications of the secondary and tertiary boycotts...
...Stipulations about the company's trading and employment practices are laid down...
...If we have anything to be grateful for, it is simply that collectively the Arabs have never managed to implement the boycott with real efficiency...
...or Hilton, which declined to accept the Boycott Office's prohibition on the construction of the Tel Aviv Hilton, and saw the Arab summit of 1974 nonetheless take place in the Hilton in Rabat—who most readily resist the importunings of Damascus...
...8.95 296 THE FAILURE OF THE "NEW ECONOMICS"-Henry Hazlitt...
...Richly illustrated...
...and it is at this point that their desire to disrupt and distort the internal commercial affairs of third countries—and the rights and activities of third-country companies—becomes most apparent...
...Famed anti-Communist minister proves the existence of God...
...F. Buckley collects 23 brilliant spokesmen for conservatism...
...12.95 476 CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY: Vol...
...Lindsay's eight-year tenure brought a series of defeats at the hands of the forces he sought to subdue, which added to the city's fiscal burdens and impaired the administration's ability to address chronic urban problems...
...11.95 EXTRA, FREE GIFT Inaddition to your 3 for 89e-when You join the Conservative Book Club and agree to buy 4 books a next 18 t Club discount prices over th s e month CONSERVATIVE VOTES, LIBERAL VICTORIES by Patrick J. Buchanan Straight talk from the brillidat columnist: why conservatives should be winning, but area t. $7.95 CONSERVATIVE I BOOK CLUB 165 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, N.Y...
...and would lay them open to civil-rights suits in a number of cases...
...Few outside the ranks of the idealists would expect to find the majority of companies in an economy to be insensitive to informal pressure...
...Classic political biography, and still the best on Kennedy and the Clan...
...F. Buckley...
...It is a poor sham of a country that cannot protect its own economy and citizens...
...9.95 548 THE 1978 INSIDER'S BANKING AND CREDIT ALMANAC - Mark Skousen...
...16.50 478 LENIN IN ZURICH-AlexanderSolzhen- itsyn...
...Definitive refutation of Keynes...
...Y. Times...
...Outspoken history of the National Council of Churches...
...We are still forced to distinguish between right and wrong, loyalty and treachery, health and disease, progress and anarchy...
...Wall St...
...7.95 532 Vol...
...It has since been formalized in a coordinating committee with headquarters in Damascus and representatives on most Arab-oriented Chambers of Commerce throughout the world...
...then Barry shows why...
...Let me give an example...
...Exciting account by highest-ranking KGB counterspy ever to defect...
...9.95 337 THE LAST KENNEDY - Robert Sherrill...
...Readable libertarian history of colonial America...
...In their rush to supplant the "permanent government," the reformers failed to recognize that it was one thing to win elections and quite another to govern...
...How to profit in up and down markets...
...Over 400 pages...
...8.95 470 THE COLLAPSE OF DEMOCRACY - Robert Moss...
...9,95 516 TEXTBOOKS ON TRIAL - J. C. Hefley...
...Note again, though, the use of the word "Jewish" in the quotation above...
...Giant encyclopedia of financial plans for every investment need...
...With her enormous commercial power, the United States could enforce the sanction stated in international insurance conventions, to the effect that those observing trade boycotts automatically lose all insurance entitlement...
...White Russians were "six of one and halfa-dozen of the other...
...and yet that it is not true enough...
...BOOK REVIEW The Economic War Against the Jews Walter Henry Nelson and Terence Prittie / Random House / $10.00 Patrick Cosgrave Pr he most important thing to say, and to say immediately, about Prittie and Nelson's book is that its title is at once challenging and true...
...13 computer-tested methods-but none for the fainthearted...
...They are even less aware that the boycott machinery has been employed against individuals who are not Jewish but who admit—as I do myself—to the description "Zionist," meaning someone who supports the right of the state of Israel to exist...
...The reform constituency, a loose and formless aggregation, did not provide the kind of organized support necessary to withstand these pressures...
...and General Pierre Koenig, a French war hero, from the board of a major French company...
...And how many small companies, uncertain of government protection, have silently acquiesced under threat...
...An intellectual and political event of the first importance...
...And much of the increase went to the welfare bureaucracy, which consumes one of every three New York social-service dollars...
...If I want a Selection, g, it will come automatically about a month later... why capitalism works best: $9.95 173 DID YOU EVER SEE A DREAM WALK!NG...
...How liberals worked their will...
...To understand its insidious nature one must grasp the way it works, and the extensiveness of its ambition...
...Their right to trade with other companies in their own city is questioned...
...The Arab boycott is, indeed, an instrument of war against the freedom of citizens of all countries to express and act upon their opinions and beliefs...
...Lindsay's mistakes were not merely tactical errors—they reflected a profound flaw in reform ideology...
...12.95 343 HOME OF THE BRAVE-John A. Carroll & Odie B. Faulk...
...The boycott is, thus, a planned cancer, working its way through western commercial society...
...Modern Age...
...Inspiring alternative to Women's Lib: the Positive Woman...
...12.95 349 PLAYING THE PRICE CONTROI.$ GAME -Mark Skousen...
...The colonies just before Independence, 1760-75...
...Sparkling rundown of 1965 campaign...
...117 reading lessons, 73 writing lessons, 67 arithmetic lessons...
...Ford Motor Company, on the other hand, simply ignored communications from the Boycott Office, and retained its Israeli plant...
...It is relevant to add that, despite the foot-dragging of successive administrations, Congress has been consistently prepared to defend the freedom of American companies (most recently in the Export Administration Amendments Act of 1977) to work in spite of foreign pressure...
...12.95 ls SUICIDE OF THE WEST-James Burnham...
...7.95 364 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY EVERY 3 YEARS-Gerald Appel...
...Most Europeans and Americans who are politically aware know that the Arab nations refuse to trade with Israel and refuse to trade with companies who trade with Israel...
...In surveying the story of the Arab boycott it does not require a cynic to emphasize the fact that it is the mighty companies—Ford...
...11.95 438 FROM UNDER THE RUBBLE-Alexander Solzhenitsyn...
...The American colonies, 17101763...
...Patrick Cosgrave is a political columnist for the London Spectator...
...F. Buckley & L. Brent Bozell...
...Now it is erecting a $150 million plant in Egypt as well...
...quick guidance on what Bible teaches-over 300 subjects...
...They are not, I think, aware of the fact that the near-thirty-yearold boycott was designed for use against, has been used against, and...
...122 gorgeous photographs-68 in breathtaking full color...
...How the Catholic Mass became the Lord's Supper in 16th-century England...
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...The greatest writer of our time joins six other dissidents to score Red tyranny -and Western liberalism...
...I am eligible to discounts that range from 20% to 50% plus shipping...
...The great and fundamental fact, however, is the extent to which the Arab world desperately needs western goods and western technology...
...1 - Murray N. Rothbard...
...K. Fitzpatrick...
...2: Pope John's Council...
...But the danger remains...
...9.95 358 CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY: Vol...
...Beautiful word-and-picture journey...
...Third (the tertiary boycott), they refuse to trade with those in third countries' who trade with those who trade with Israel...
...25.00 426 TRADING SILVER- PROFITABLY - D. Turner & S. H. Blinn...
...would prevent them from full observance...
...To those modern scholars who view statesmanship as the unvarying application of universal rules of action, Churchill remains an enigma...
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...This classic gives the ',est answers yet...
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...8.95 518 INSIDE THE KGB-Aleksei Myagkov...
...Masterly fusion of history, biography and the novelist's art...
...If men of that eminence could be punished for their ethnic character or their sympathy, how many humbler citizens have been done down...
...Right on target...
...A fine literary achievement...
...The cost of social services, perhaps the leading example, more than tripled during the Lindsay years and was also the only major category to expand its share of the budget, growing from 14 percent of the first Lindsay budget to 22 percent of the last...
...This guide works...
...3 - Murray N. Rothbard...
...That is why, admirable though much of what Congress has done is, it is still to be regretted that the White House and the Treasury have invariably been slow to implement the legislative rules that would oblige all companies 36 The American Spectator June/ July 1978 3 FOR 119c VALUES TO $69.40 361 THE POWER OF THE POSITIVE WOMAN -Phyllis Schlafly...
...Wall St...
...In this sense, Prittie and Nelson's title is at once more comprehensive than one might expect, and less comprehensive than the truth...
...The extravagant and fanatic lengths to which the Arabs are sometimes prepared to go, however, are indicated by the refusal of Saudi Arabia to grant port space to an American ship, National Peace, because it had once, under a previous name, Memory, carried on trade with Israel...
...As long as the Arabs are unable to divide western companies from one another, or play one off against the other, they invariably back down on their threats...
...16 pages of daily Bible readings...
...14 giants (Mises, Hayek, Friedman, Rand, BoehmBawerk, etc...
...A wonderfully readable history of America for patriots...
...7.95 4% IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS - W. E. Pax (Institute of Bible Research, Jerusalem...
...Ford is not the first case of a company —and most of the brave and successful ones are American—defying the boycott without suffering its penalties...
Vol. 11 • June 1978 • No. 8