Current Wisdom
Jackasses, Assorted
C U R R E N T W I S D O M Time Media bias at its most insidious as practiced by T/m~, a key journal in the One-World Conspiracy: ...The of the nation's most energetic and...
...Satisfaction guaranteed...
...So my decision to use more power--however small an amount--has rotten karma hanging with it, but not by my will...
...It is very Latin, without the old traditional cultural censorship...
...Box 2686, Nashville, Tenn...
...He is not connected with or influenced by the oil business, yet from his prospective of concern for the environment, he is well acquainted with it...
...REACH 45,000 READERS with an Alternative classified advertisement 25 cents a word...
...The women are openly involved...
...I traveled...
...You can feel sex in the atmosphere, on the street, in conversation, in people's actions...
...Frimbo, the world's greatest railroad buff...
...Send $1 for two copies of this booklet (you wilt want to share) to: Gerry Calhoun, 2606 Terrace, Midland, Texas 79701...
...I'm alive, and I can do things, so what else is there to do but live and do things...
...Louis Globe-Democrat A breath-takingly percipient essay into the p o l i t y o f progressive Cuba from the typewriter o f Miss Sally Quinn, an American Tocqueville: An attitude of sexuality is as pervasive in Cuba as the presence of Fidel Castro...
...Louis, Missouri 63141...
...But now I began underlining and then started writing notes and ideas in the margin...
...In my own modest way I'd like to proclaim it to the whole goddamn world...
...I bought new clothes and wore aviator glasses instead of hornrims...
...March 26-27, 1977] The Great Books Series Urban sophisticate, Tony Hiss, son of Alger and full-time scribe for the New Yorker, encapsulates a life full o f achievement: I started meeting lots of people who enjoyed their lives...
...publicity, advertiaroll handsome boob...
...John McKetta, of the University of Texas, presents a dispassionate, objective evaluation of the domestic energy situation...
...Send advertisements with full payment to: Classified Ad Department, The Alternative, P.O...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...Yes, Cuba is a Communist country...
...The Cubans seem to be thinking of it much of the time...
...Everyone drinks them...
...if The Alternative has a guiding philosophy, it is little more than a disgust for hypocrisy, utopian social engineering and bad writing...
...Laughing Last by Tony Hiss [Houghton Mifflin Company] Publishers Weeldy Robert Ludlum, author o f that towering work o f art The l~ineman Exchange, along with other post-existential masterworks, heaves up a pronunciamento and a yelp de c.oe.~ Ludlum is dead serious in concocting the entertainments that make him a best seller...
...Box numbers $2 each...
...In appearance The Alternative might be taken for a Department of Commerce bulletin printed on white bread, but its opinions are couched in some of the liveliest prose since the passing of H.L...
...A sprig of mint...
...New York, lO01l t~ Everything in pro-liberty books on politics, economics, and history...
...The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 39...
...I am soft, small, open, vulnerable, gentle...
...The Sorcerer of Bolinas Reef by Charles Reich [Random House] 38 The Alternative: An American Spectator May 1977 classified HELP WANTED The Alternative magazine Is looking for a parttime subscription manager to work 25 to 30 hours a week...
...Commenting on charges that Amin has directed the killings of thousands in his country, she said: "Sovereign governments are in the process of killing people all the time...
...Mencken, Edmund Burke, and Russell Kirk available Tees only...
...APC, Box 2076, Citrus Heights, CA 95610...
...ALT .oo...
...Prithee, Lord, that J e f f is not too late...
...Nation's largest private collection is being liquidated at absurdly low prices...
...So what changed my life...
...Specializing in conservative fund raising and publishing-religious, social, economic, political...
...This is why, to understand Communism in Cuba, the difference in their political and ideological concepts, it helps to understand the nature of their sexuality...
...In the warm Indian summer of Connecticut, Wendy and I walked up and down the narrow curbs, with our arms around each other, holding each other up...
...for more of those women who in their 40s have the courage m start a degree in anthropology or spend a month in a Trappist or Zen monastery, and take the risk of losing some shelter in their search for metaphysical truth...
...This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking for summer employment or for someone who is interested in working part-time while attending Indiana University...
...But laid back...
...Australia wants you...
...Be soft, be quiet, be open, be helpless, be still...
...Blood oozed up like water welling from a hole dug in beach sand...
...Because you never know how long you've got m enjoy it...
...And it necessarily colors their thinking...
...metaphysician: I am a mature, middle-aged woman and a terminal heterosexual, but politically 1 have always considered myself a lesbian...
...Inspirational declaration from a Ms...
...MISCELLANEOUS The United States Industrial Council Educational Foundation publishes a variety of assays and reports on economic and national issues...
...Small accounts welcomed...
...Lime juice...
...Very laid back...
...Send for FREE report on your manuscript and Publi~ Your Book...
...Nation's leading private mailing list Is for rent/ sale...
...Tees $6 each and Sweats $8 each postpaid...
...I'm paranoid," he acknowledged, adding: "I hope it doesn't interfere with my stories...
...Alison Hadley Graves, 12571 Northwinds Drive, St...
...March 24, 1977] Washington Post Proof o f renewed enthusiasm for the legal code of medieval Germany from feminist l a w y e r , Florynce Kennedy, l o n g - t i m e advocate of trial by ordeal and compurgation: Florynce Kennedy, a New York feminist attorney, called Uganda President Idi Amin "an outstanding figure" at a Yale Law School conference in New Haven Saturday...
...March 7, 1977] Ms...
...Copy, layouts, brochures, newsletters...
...I grew a mustache...
...I want to be held and stroked and petted and ruffled and cuddled and tickled and cooled and warmed and held tightly...
...Bookkeeping or accounting skills are helpful...
...Fe~q,L~ry 21, 1977] Roiling Stone Mr...
...Catalog $1.50 (refundable...
...It changes everything...
...For information on publications available, write: USIC Educational Foundation, P.O...
...Write or call for application: Ron Burr, P.O...
...But the main thing was just realizing what most people get around to realizing sooner or later...
...As to the alleged murder of Anglican Bishop Janini Luwum, she said, "The men who died in Vietnam aren't any less dead than Bishop Luwum...
...Please specify ad classification: Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Books & Periodicals, Literary, Conferences, Personal, Miscellaneous...
...I believe the world is going infinitely beyond conservatism and communism m fasc i s m - i t ' s the child of the Nazi...
...These things took a few years--something like five or six--to happen but they all happened...
...Rich Faverty--Time Magazine _9 Time, Inc...
...I got to be good friends with AI, even showing up on time when we had lunch...
...I resent being forced into the role of a nuclear consumer, but at the present rate of prolifera...
...February 28, 1977] WomaNews An historic moment in the heroic life of J a n i s Mars as reported by J a n i s Mars herself in booming Gainesville's feminist newspaper, ~VomaNews: I started out women-oriented in the first grade...
...There's a shift to conservatism all over the world," he said...
...10,000 names...
...Two or three Mohitos and you begin to understand...
...The Commodore, POB 277, North Adams, Mich...
...I flew at him, and left a perfect impression of my front molars punched into his forearm...
...Amos L. Henely, 9507 Binney, Omaha, Nebr...
...PERSONAL Wanted: Your state tax stamps...
...Booklets by Peter J. Rusthoven, Philip Vander Elst, W.E...
...CA, litTON IqllSS Dept...
...12-word minimum...
...Brakeman Enterprises, 2363 N. Cedar, Holt, MI 48842...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...They have these drinks in Cuba...
...WANTED TO BUY: Italian editions of Dante and Petrarca...
...And m understand Cuba it helps to understand Mohitos...
...I play electric music--I probably have used power which was generated by a nuclear plant...
...for more heroines who war against a// sexist mythology...
...I founded The Real grortd magazine with my friend Stephen Shore, the photographer...
...Well, part of it was I finally got to know my dad, and he turned out to be AI rather than anybody else...
...I never felt free to mark up books even if I owned them...
...Best mixed political/business list ever compiled...
...If that's not woman-oriented, I don't know what is...
...The Alternative reserves the right to reject any copy for any reason...
...Trade or if gift postage refunded with thank-you letter...
...Let something happen to me, let something softly caress me...
...For this was my Turning...
...I met a nice girl and was able to f--her...
...MISCELLANEOUS TEE/SHIRTS AND SWEAT/SHIRTS: Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan, Adam Smith, and Saint Thomas Aquinas...
...At first it seemed to be by courtesy of Mr...
...They call them Mohitos...
...I wrote a book with my friend E.M...
...The murder ofKaren Siikwood (RS 230) was the last shove to get me off my ass to do something to stop the plutonium barons...
...Two sizes fit all normal people: Large and Too Large...
...His book The New Industrial State caught my interest and excitement...
...March / April 1977] St...
...Details, send $2.00 to: Akanter, 69 Hamilton St., Hamilton, N.Y...
...Things like that...
...C U R R E N T W I S D O M Time Media bias at its most insidious as practiced by T/m~, a key journal in the One-World Conspiracy: ...The of the nation's most energetic and sprightly journals of opinion...
...You begin to see more clearly...
...The Alternative, Box F. BOOKS & PERIODICALS Do you really want to know the facts about the domestic oil and gas shortage...
...March 1977] Quest Bewitched by visions o f the sublime and the beautiful, authoress Francine du Pleasix Gray chisels out an artistic manifesto as timeless as Greenwich Village poet Carlo Henderson's 1955 lilt "Urine in My Toothpaste": If art has any effect upon society, I would wish for heroines who are serf-actualizing and risktaking yet who remain capable of the infinitely more complicated process of loving and of being loved...
...One day a sixth-grade boy tried to drag Wendy off the swings, yelling, "Get down, girlie...
...Brakeman Enterprises, 2363 N. Cedar, Holt, MI 48842...
...Satisfaction Guaranteed...
...February 1977] The Great Books Series A monumental moment in the intellectual history o f the West, recorded by the eminence who experienced it, the planet E a r t h ' s own Charles Reich: Something began m happen to me on my College Avenue walks...
...When I fell on the blacktop and tore up my knees, she picked out the gravel and sprayed the wound with Bactine...
...Join our =ucc~sful authom in F R s E a complete, reliable publi=hmr proiFam...
...Cage, Anthony Harrigan, and other authors...
...J e f f Maxwell steps forward on the correspondence page o f Rolling Stone to serve notice to the Plutonium Barons...
...My Best Friend was Wendy, a third grader...
...84 Firth Ave...
...Kennedy said that much of the public criticism of Amin can be traced to the attitude that "ira black person is in charge of a country, he isn't really supposed to be in charge...
...I started growing roses on West 10th Street...
...tion of nuclear technology,..ain't none of us gonna be worryin' about it too much longer...
...I started going to a good barber...
...Which is true whether your father is Dick Nixon, Whit Chambers, AI Hiss, or any man or Disco Duck...
...Last year I even got a driver's license--to me a miracle...
Vol. 10 • May 1977 • No. 8