
C O R R E S P O N D E N C E The Other Blacklist I have read your articles on Miss Hellman et al. (january 1977) with great appreciation. I have been disturbed more than a little by the...

...One of Lugar's assistants told me, while I was an editorial writer for the Indianapolis News, that the project was controlled by the mayor's office...
...Outspoken--some liberals say outrageous--monthly newsletter...
...Rusthoven claims that Lugar has been condemned by conservatives for accepting "relatively strings-free federal revenue sharing funds...
...Maybe Toland was thinking of Franco when he wrote the line, and Nolte failed to catch him...
...Write: P.O...
...dedicated to the violent overthrow of our government, and we were not, or believed that they had changed...
...True, it is still "federal money," if one chooses to get exercised over such things...
...Does not simply bay at the moon, but offers sensible solutions, and recipes for survival...
...If you know anyone requiring such a man, please write Box W, The Alternative...
...70, U.C...
...Lugar's contribution to the effort to get those dollars without getting Washington control in the bargain is something for which conserva(continued on page 39) NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE HOUSE OF GUCCI Baron Yon Kannon is pleased to make an exclusive offer to the discriminating readers of The Alternative...
...He told me that a referendum was unnecessary...
...But in fact, although some blacks did oppose Unigov for the reason Griffith suggests, in practice the reorganization increased their political representation, since among the features of the plan was a shift from at-large to district elections...
...Consider going anywhere...
...and "Mariana," an immigrant girl caught by the white slavers...
...While Hitler was a Catholic, if he was one "in good standing" it is hard to imagine one whom Nolte-Toland could consider in bad standing...
...You could not have chosen a more deserving candidate...
...As I recall the late 1940s and 1950s, it was not the FBI but the Communists (and the Hellmans) and the McCarthyites who sought to muddle the very real distinctions between home-grown radicals and those, truly not radical, who owed their allegiance m the Soviet Union...
...Phi Beta Kappa...
...Thus, Lugar became a leading advocate of the strings-free, general revenue sharing approach, for which he lobbied energetically, persuasively, and ultimately successfully, in the face of serious Congressional opposition...
...If Lugar is a conservative, and it is possible he will become one in the Senate, why did he refuse to allow the residents of an urban renewal program to vote on the project...
...THE ALTERNATIVE Circulation Department P.O...
...Lugar's staffers returned proudly wearing Lindsay "Give a damn" buttons...
...Griffith's gratuitous and insulting remarks about my ability and integrity as an attorney deserve no response...
...Griffith's missive, with its numerous insults, distortions, and half-truths, nicely illustrates one of the points I attempted to make in my article--namely, that Dick Lugar has for some reason become a b~te noire of the crazy right...
...In particular, he suggests that Unigov rode roughshod over the rights of black citizens by "diluting" their vote...
...The Alternative reserves the right to reject any copy for any reason...
...And in fact, Unigov has had such results in Indianapolis: Literally scores of governments and agencies have been replaced, in essence, by a single metropolitan executive and council and six administrative agencies, and Lugar was able to reduce property tax rates several years running...
...10 for $3...
...William H. Nolte's review of John Toland's Adolf Hitler (January 1977) quotes Toland's linking of Hitler's Judeophobia to his Roman Catholicism: "Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy ('I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so') he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of God...
...Name: (please print ) Address: City: State: Zip: Please list your gift orders on a separate sheet...
...Be sure to include the line of information above your name, Important: allow six weeks for address change...
...Imaginative, energetic, strong, attractive, patriotic...
...Send information to: Alison Hadley Graves, 12571 Northwinds Drive, St...
...Metropolitan government, a venerable concept which only a very few cities have managed to achieve, is one of the prime accomplishments of Lugar's eight years as Mayor...
...Please make checks payable to The Baron...
...Box 941, Dept...
...Lugar, in fact, grabbed at federal dollars, no matter how strong or numerous the strings...
...Swan apparently objects to my quoting Toland's statement concerning Hitler's being "a member in good standing of the Church of Rome...
...rather, it is that unlike many others, Lugar learned from such problems as his city did experience...
...Thomas R. Brooks Brooklyn, New York Hitler a Catholic...
...I could think of only one reason: they don't deserve him...
...Of course, there was no public knowledge of this list nor were any of the victims aware of the reason why they stopped hearing from casting offices and / or agents...
...This is one of many interesting movies made between 1895 and 1929...
...Lugar also brought into Indianapolis one of George Romney's brainwashed ideas, Operation Breakthrough, a housing project intended to provide dwellings for rich and poor...
...REACH 45,000 READERS with an Alternative classified advertisement 25 cents a word...
...Send specimens of your work to: Adam Meyerson, The Alternative, P.O...
...The Word exposes the fallacy in much liberal thinking...
...Someone asked me the other day why Tyrrell--who is going from good to great as an essayist--doesn't have a regular national newspaper or television outlet...
...Write The Baron, 942 Maxwell Terrace, Suite F, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...His flak catchers were mau-maued by black hoodlums whose followers shook down black merchants...
...It is true, but hardly condemnatory, that Lugar staff members visited New York shortly after his election in 1967...
...John Lindsay was at that time Republican mayor of the nation's largest city, and for someone in Lugar's position to attempt to learn what he could from Lindsay's experiences is perfectly unexceptionable...
...Griffith achieves maximum silliness, however, in his criticism of Unigov, by which Indianapolis reorganized on metropolitan lines...
...Later when in a small way I was involved with Norman Thomas and some others in trying to get the Trotskyist Workers Party and Independent Socialist League, both of the Schactman persuasion, and the IWW off the Attorney General's list of subversive organizations, it was my impression that the FBI knew the differences between those vehemently anti-Stalinist organizations and the Communists...
...Enclosed is my check for $10.00 106C (please print) Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . . . . . . . Date of change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MISCELLANEOUS 8mm & 16mm MOVIES "What 80 Million Women Want," Women Suffrage film made in 1912 by Emeline Pankhurst & Women's Suffrage Workers...
...The significant point is not that Lugar, like every other mayor of a major city, accepted federal monies...
...Moreover, contrary to Griffith's implication, Lugar was an outspoken critic of those who blamed the federal government for all that was wrong with the cities long before the bloom was off Mr...
...Ronald Reagan Los Angeles, CaAfornia Nicest Letter of the Year I nominate R. Emmett Tyrrell's piece, "Worst Book of the Year" (January 1977), for an award in a new category, "Best Review of the Year...
...One thing, however, is certain: the dupes, fellow travelers, or whatever must certainly have outnumbered the Communists many times over...
...PROCLAIM YOUR INNOCENCE with a "Don't Blame Me, I Wrote In Reagan" vinyl bumpersticker...
...Nevertheless, it is important to respond to Griffith's laundry list of Lugar's supposed shortcomings, lest thoughtful conservatives, who are serious about government and politics, be misled by Griffith's warped version of Lugar's tenure as Mayor of Indianapolis...
...Box 2144, Pompano Beach, Florida 33061...
...12-word minimum...
...A present-tense reference to Catholic teaching that "the Jew" (generally) killed God is hard to credit for 1977, for 1940-45, or even for the period of Hitler's birth in 1889...
...The project area remains a desolate monument to failed liberalism...
...Indeed, Lugar took on Lindsay in a successful floor fight for the presidency of the National League of Cities at a time when the latter was still widely touted as a White House hopeful--and this despite the fact that Lindsay, as the previous year's vice-president, was automatically in line for the top post of the municipal organization...
...If Rusthoven is as sloppy with the facts as a lawyer as he is as a propagandist for Lugar, he must teeter on the brink of perjury every time he goes to court...
...Wellington J. Griffitb III Sun City, Arizona Mr...
...Where we differed, as I recall, was that the FBI was convinced that the ISL and the IWW were subversive, i.e...
...Experience desired...
...Model Cities aid requires recipients to organize a regional council of governments to plan areawide public projects, "whether federally assisted or not," according to the Model Cities Act...
...Telephone evenings: (415) 771-6014...
...He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said, although he had no real attachment to it...
...A), Vienna, VA...
...Incense Of The Linga Sharira, P.O...
...What is significant is not the visit, but the fact that Lugar--in contrast to Lindsay-became a leading spokesman for local control and responsibility for municipal governments...
...Brink of Perjury Peter J. Rusthoven, one of Richard Lugar's toadeaters, claims in his article in your January 1977 issue that the newly elected Indiana Senator is a conservative...
...Officials from the Department of Housing and Urban Development told me the project was 100 percent federally financed and totally controlled by their department...
...Lugar also ran roughshod over the people in pushing Unigov, metropolitan government, through the state legislature, despite admitting that public opinion in the affected areas was running heavily against it...
...Please attach address label from the most recent issue of your A l t e r n a t i v e in the space below...
...Please specify ad classification: Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Books & Periodicals, Literary, Conferences, Personal, Miscellaneous...
...As Toland notes in Chapter 27 relative to 1943: "The Church, under the Pope's guidance, had already saved the lives of more Jews than all other churches, religious institutions and rescue organizations combined, and was presently hiding thousands of Jews in monasteries, convents, and Vatican City itself...
...Many of the victims, mostly black, had built their homes with their own hands and did not want to be uprooted from their neighborhood, but Lugar's federal bulldozer crushed their homes and spirit anyway...
...The British and Americans, despite lofty pronouncements, had not only avoided taking any meaningfill action but gave sanctuary to few persecuted Jews...
...6.00 each, postpaid...
...Andrew Cseplo, Box 54, Catlett, VA 22019...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...Griffith says nothing about this, however, and seeks to leave the impression that Unigov was shoved down the throats of an unwilling populace...
...The Word dares to take on the liberal media, the liberal establishment, and the liberal Federal Government with intelligent debate rather than with bombast...
...Smoking Out Belle Butts...
...More importantly, however, Griffith again chooses to ignore the whole story...
...No membership benefits other than cards...
...Louis, Missouri 63141...
...Also please send me . . . . . Alternative Buttons at $1 each...
...Tired of the same old political hacks who want nothing but power...
...Contrary to Rusthoven's assertion that Lugar forcefully opposed "the likes of John Lindsay," when elected to the mayor's office in Indianapolis in 1967, Lugar sent some of his staff members to New York City to learn Lindsay's liberal techniques...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...Typical of liberals, Lugar ignored the vast majority of law-abiding, hard-working blacks while catering to the jobless radicals with prison records...
...Does he imply that Toland was wrong in his statement...
...In particular, many inner-city blacks opposed Unigov because they realized that the annexation of heavily white suburbs would dilute their vote...
...Only when Lindsay's ineptness became transparent did Lugar quietly cut the hotline between Indianapolis and Gotham...
...Rustboven replies: Mr...
...Significantly, too, Lugar polled one of the highest percentages of the black vote ever achieved by a Republican in Indianapolis...
...106 The Alternative: An American Spectator March 1977 37 CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 37) tives, if anything, should be grateful...
...I suspect that most of us, however, would prefer the pragmatic attitude which Lugar has expressed-namely, that if Washington persists in overtaxing local citizens, there is nothing wrong--and indeed, a great deal good--with attempting to retrieve as many of those tax dollars as one can for one's constituents...
...She Wanted a Car...
...Indeed, Lugar set a record for IndianapolisMarion County politics, pulling some 70% of the vote in the annexed areas, and increasing his previous majority in the "old" city...
...Chaplin comedies...
...The one positive result of the project was that it provided funds to help bail out a failing company owned by a local Republican...
...Join the Flat Earth Party...
...Two sizes fit all: Large and Too Large...
...The Alternative: An American Spectator March 1977 39...
...He applied for 36 The Alternative: An American Spectator March 1977 Model Cities funds even though one of his top assistants admitted that "we don't really know what the problem is out there" in the project area...
...The Word is csauche enough to be patriotic, conservative enough to be published at a profit, low-priced enough to appeal to all, and vital enough to be must reading for any intelligent citizen...
...Print your new address and mail this form to The A l t e r n a t i v e . When w r i t i n g to us about your subscription always attach your adress label or p r i n t your name and address exactly as it appears on your address label...
...Many of The Alternative's writers are available as lecturers...
...POSITIONS WANTED MORE INSPIRING JOB, government or private, law-related or otherwise, sought by conservative-libertarian lawyer, 30, single...
...The Alternative, P.O...
...Ben J. Wattenberg Washington, D. C. Lillian Hellman, Robbins Laureate My compliments on your 1976 Harold Robbins Award...
...Lindsay's rose...
...Number wanted: . . . . Medium . . . . Large . . . . Extra Large (this size recommended for most people as the Turkey Tee's are 100% cotton and will shrink...
...Griffith's account of Indianapolis' participation in federal programs under Lugar is similarly misleading...
...The idea that government should be organized in a way that maximizes the percentage vote of a given ethnic or racial group reflects a curious conception of democracy, to say the least, especially from one who apparently purports to be some kind of " t r u e " conservative...
...FILM CLASSIC, 1914 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal...
...Box 553, Bloomington, Indiana 47401...
...Illustrated membership cards 50 cents each...
...Don't be the last one to get THE WORD...
...It certainly was...
...Mencken Tee Shirts...
...And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide" (pp...
...74, Harvard, Broad interests...
...1/$1, 3/52.50, 10/55...
...The record of the Allies was far more shameful...
...But I see no contradiction between Toland's statement that Hitler was a Catholic and his remarks about the Pope's providing shelter for the Jews...
...Growth potential...
...Sample absolutely FREE...
...Among the benefits of metropolitan organization are numerous considerations dear to the heart of any conservative--for example, simplification of government, elimination of overlapping and unnecessary agencies, reduction of taxes and expenditures, and so forth...
...HELP WANTED Position as Account Executive or Account Representative (depending on skills and experience) with leading national direct mail fund raising agency specializing in politically conservative clients...
...Send name and address to: The Word, P.O...
...I have been disturbed more than a little by the re-write of history going on today as evidenced by The Front and a rash of TV shows...
...3 for $1...
...Enclosed is $ . . . . . ($4.95 for one shirt, $9.00 i for two shirts, and $4.00 for each additional shirt...
...Film may be rented in 16mm or purchased in 8mm or 16ram...
...If so, I refer him to other books on Hitler--for example, Speer's Inside the Tbird Reicb...
...Alternative Turkey Tee Shirts are ideal for students, part-time athletes, contemplatives, bon vivants, and other tee shirt aficionados--and they make terrific gifts...
...Join an organization dedicated to an ideal...
...1 was investigated twice that I know of by the [:BI, once as a youngster in high school in 1942 or 1943 when someone accused me of being a Communist and, again, after the war when I refused to register, or rather re-register for the draft...
...George Steven Swan Columbus, Ohio Mr...
...Unusual gift for discriminating friends, or treat yourself to the best in authentic scents...
...Order from: The Commodore, The Decatur Shop, North Adams, Michigan 49262...
...For a limited time only you may order an Official Alternative Turkey Tee Shirt, designed exclusively for The Alternative through the coordinated efforts of some of the world's toniest fashion salons In Paris, London, and Bean Blossom, Indiana...
...The fact that many Jews were Socialists or Communists probably influenced him in the matter more than did his Catholic upbringing--as I remarked in my review...
...Box numbers $2 each...
...If Rusthoven, described as a practicing attorney, really believes that, he is a practicing fool...
...Please renew my subscription for one year...
...Box 12352-L, Austin, Texas 78711...
...For information, call or write: The Shore Line Company, P.O...
...Lugar had carefully avoided the issue of metropolitan government in his mayoral campaign...
...Walter Goodman New York, New York Too Hard on FBI In his otherwise excellent article on "Red Scares and Blacklists" (January 1977) Stephen Miller is, I believe, something less than fair to the FBI...
...MISCELLANEOUS NEW from the Decatur Shop, H.L...
...It turned into a multimiUion dollar fiasco...
...Looking for a good old-fashioned harangue...
...Box 877 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Dear Baron: Please send me my very own Alternative Turkey Tee Shirt immediately...
...Having been a participant myself in the Hollywood fracas, I can state that the only really effective blacklist in the movie industry was the one used by the Communists and their dupes against antiCommunists and even just nonCommunists...
...He writes of Lillian Hellman's confusions and then adds, "But this is the kind of gambit the FBI specialized in-throwing all radicals, whether Communists or not, into the same pot...
...Ideal for colleges, business groups, etc...
...Skilled in thinking, research, writing...
...Moreover, if Unigov was as unpopular as Griffith contends, it is certainly hard to explain Lugar's mammoth electoral success when he ran for re-election as Mayor...
...But I would ask the reader to judge which of us has, in fact, been "sloppy with the facts...
...Written by Bob Gross--the thinking person's Conservative, and world-famous investment adviser...
...Nolte replies: I consider it impossible to determine the root causes of Hitler's Judeophobia, but there seems to be good reason for believing that his early religious training had something to do with it...
...Others include Woodrow Wilson's 1912 campaign film...
...To receive your very own Alternative Turkey Tee Shirt--or to send one as a gift --just clip the order form below, or send a reasonable facsimile, along with your check or money order to The Baron...
...Of course, the narrow-minded little band to which Griffith apparently belongs will always view someone like Lugar with suspicion: They are ultimately uninterested in government in any serious fashion, preferring instead to be ever and stridently vigilant against those those who fail their silly little litmus-paper tests of ideological purity...
...Even when the Church opposed Hitler's plans, Hitler "nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church...
...WANTED TO BUY: Greek classical texts, preferably bilingual Loeb editions...
...Sampler assortment of all our 27 delicious flavors with descriptive full color catalogue and elegant advanced design burner $4.00...
...For all I know, Hitler may have decided to remain in the Church for the sake of appearance only...
...FREE-LANCE ARTISTS AND CARTOONISTS: Your talents are needed to adorn the pages of this journal...
...Salary negotiable...
...In the first place, he greatly exaggerates the problems associated with those programs, which were better run in Indianapolis than in most urban areas...
...Send advertisements with full payment to: Classified Ad Department...
...Box 877 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 (Please attach address label here...
...On both occasions the FBI made the proper distinction between Communist, which I was not, and socialist, which I was and still am...
...812-334-2761) Changing Your Address...

Vol. 10 • March 1977 • No. 6

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