
C O R R E S P O N D E N C E To the Editor: James Hitchcock's piece on Newsweek in your October issue reminds me that bigotry is in the eyes of the beholder. Mr. Hitchcock cites numerous...

...Please don't Inquire for someone else, or if you can't entertain the possibility of this being your thing for life...
...Box 10267, El Paso, TX 79993, MISCELLANEOUS Adam Smith Neckties...
...The 1150 billion figure which I used to reach my calculation was not, as Mr...
...Of the dozens of examples in my article, Mr...
...That survey, by the way, done for us by the Gallup Organization, showed among other things that "nine out of ten respondents were unable to name a single decision by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops that they considered important to their lives...
...Box 2686, Nashville, Tenn...
...Kind of scares you when you learn he is a professor of history...
...Joyce Goldberg wears an Official Alternative Turkey Tee Shirt and you should too...
...We reported those facts, we didn't make them up...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...Whitmore a favor by obscuring her authorship of one of the dirtiest pieces of journalism to have been published in recent years...
...Hitchcock's most recent book is The Recovery of the Sacred (1974...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...I am happy that at least he does not try to defend Newsweek's malicious and tasteless speculation about Pope Paul's mental health and supposedly imminent death...
...Surely there is some Christian soul who will introduce Mr...
...Kenneth L. Woodward General Editor, Newsweek New York, New York Mr...
...Please attach address label from the back cover of your Alternative in the space below...
...He does not understand complex issues, even when explained for the average reader of a mass newsmagazine...
...Meyerson writes, "tax-free" benefits to the employe...
...Order from The Commodore, The Decatur Shop, North Adams, Michigan 49262...
...And the hurt of private loss is clearly discernible in the personal responses that were part of the Newsu,eek survey...
...Hitchcock cites numerous articles of mine from Newsweek and in every case totally misrepresents both the tone and contents of those articles...
...However, I did Ms...
...I suspect he is miffed because we cited Dorothy Day and the Berrigans as pillars of spirituality and Christian Orthodoxy...
...Rather it was an estimate of their value at the end of 1975, which Mr...
...Box 4028, Arlington, Virginia 22204 WANTED: Editions of Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, Pascal's Pensees...
...Woodward's style of journalism, the above letter is a fair sample...
...By the way, employer contributions to pension plans are not, as Mr...
...Send information to P. Terzian, 909 North Larrlmore Street, Arlington, Virginia 22205...
...It also showed that nearly as many Catholics "rely on Protestant evangelist Billy Graham for religious direction as look to the authoritative teachings of the Pope...
...We do not, so far, have official figures for pension-fund holdings as of the end of 1975--at least I haven't seen any...
...In short, Mr...
...Print your new address and mail this form to The Alternative...
...For a FREE COPY and further information write: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, P.O...
...Hitchcock has never understood what that phrase means...
...Hitchcock to the Catholic Church...
...What is reflected here is something no less unattractive because familiar--the mentality of the bully...
...If the attack on Pope Paul was merely a "crude caricature," why did Newsweek choose to give it national publicity...
...10 each ($20 the set) postpaid...
...Significantly, Newsweek headed the piece, "Defender of the Faith...
...Men of any age...
...For further information, write George C. Roche III, President, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI 49242...
...For years he has enjoyed the almost weekly privilege of pillorying whomever he wills before a mass audience...
...Hitchcock's ignorance and sloppy "scholarship...
...The key paragraph: The "soul" of the U.S...
...Specify size: medium, large or extra large...
...For my figure of $150 billion as the value of pension-fund equity portfolios was not, as Mr...
...Drucker himself supplied in the July 19, 1976 issue of Pensions and Investments, the pensionfund trade journal...
...Woodward is bothered by it...
...Woodward can find no significant error or example of distortion...
...Woodward's dissents from Catholic teaching and Catholic leadership...
...Please renew my subscription for one year...
...Hillsdale College is fighting this demand and welcomes your help...
...T/somas J. Mullen, Jr...
...II REACH 45,000 READERS with an Alternative classified advertisement 25 cents a word...
...She was for years our distinguished Rome bureau chief...
...I am interested in purchasing back issues of the Gazette des Amis des Livres...
...Hitchcock has waited a long time, it seems, to strike back...
...White/souse Station, New Jersey Changing Your Address...
...Does the above sound like "evident satisfaction...
...Please specify ad classification: Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Books & Periodicals, Literary, Conferences, Personal, Miscellaneous...
...4, 1971 cover story, "Has the Church Lost Its Soul?," would be enough to flunk a high school freshman...
...Box 88263-A, Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 BOOKS & PERIODICALS Read the only cogent and comprehensive analysis of a libertarian writer: Answer to Ayn Rand, John Robbins, P.O...
...Send advertisements with full payment to: Classified Ad Department, The Alternative, P.O...
...Send $4.95 for one shirt ($9 for two and $4 for each additional shirt) to The Baron, P.O...
...25 cents each...
...Do you want to learn more about the free enterprise system...
...Peter F. Drucker Clarke Professor of Social Science and Management Claremont Graduate Sc/sool Claremont, California Mr...
...Inquire as to available numbers at Box B, The Alternative...
...The editors must be furious at such intransigence, so characteristic of his pontificate...
...Meyerson replies: Mr...
...My article about Newsweek appeared in a journal with only a small fraction of Newsweek's own circulation...
...To the Editor: Unlike Spiro Agnew my pockets aren't bulging with Saudi boodle, but like him I follow the Soviet party line in being concerned with the rights of the Palestinian people [See "Current Wisdom" October issue...
...By the way, Hitchcock has got the name of Jane Whitmore (not "James") wrong-a chauvinist slip...
...He doesn't tell Alternative readers that Newsweek labeled the column in question a "crude caricature" or that the piece was, if anything, a flattering portrait of a Catholic Bishop--Thomas A. Connolly, a former longshoreman--in action...
...But (a) there is no doubt that they rose sharply as a result of the rise in market prices--though perhaps by less than the market since pension fund managers, as 38 The Alternative: An American Spectator November 1976 my book discusses, have so far not excelled as portfolio managers...
...For example, he cites a July 28, 1969 article reporting an editorial attack on the Pope by a Seattle columnist...
...12-word minimum...
...How does the separation of Church and State that outlaws any kind of assistance to Catholic schools justify using our tax money to support the establishment of a Jewish religious state'in the Mideast...
...Hillsdale College has neither solicited nor accepted government funding for Its operations throughout its 132 years, yet the Federal government now says Hillsdale must accept HEW jurisdiction...
...A biographical note: The Decline and Fall of Radical Catholicism is not Hitchcock's most recent book* ; it was his first...
...Enclosed is my check for $10.00 102C (please print) Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . . . . . . . Date of change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I classifiedHELP WANTED ISI NEEDS HELP to find new members in distributing The Intercollegiate Review on all campuses...
...Woodward replies with indignation and injured innocence...
...He should have waited longer - - o r asked for help...
...Complete catalog sent upon request...
...H. did not report that...
...Meyerson states, the value at the end of 1975, but-as my book says quite unequivocally--the value at the end of 1974 when, according to the SEC the total value of all listed securities was around 500 billion dollars...
...I have always regarded Dorothy Day as a pillar of Catholic orthodoxy...
...Hitchcock replies: I will let the readers decide if I have represented the tone of Newsweek's religious coverage accurately...
...The Pope is now more than two years behind Newsweek's timetable for his demise...
...Not that it matters much...
...Meyerson inadvertently divided 1974 values by 1975 figures, that is by figures after twelve months of sharp rises in stock prices...
...In my 1971 book, which Mr...
...Always attach address label when writing to us about your subscription...
...There is no reason to believe, however, that the percentages were significantly different at the end of 1975 than they had been at the end of 1974...
...Woodward's claims about the Seattle incident are disingenuous...
...When ! wrote the book, in late 1975, the 1975 figures were of course not available...
...As the article made clear, "soul" is a sociological construct, the nuances of which obviously escape Mr...
...The overall impression was that the free press had triumphed in the person of a possibly naughty but very amusing columnist...
...Drucker is correct about the tax benefits of pension plans, but I am afraid I must stand by my assertion that he has overestimated the proportion of stock owned by pension funds...
...My apologies to Jane Whitmore...
...I'll eat my kaffiyeh when I read an American newspaper investigating the influence of Zionist money and Zionist votes upon the political whores in Congress...
...First temporary vows, then life vows much later if we're still Into it...
...Box numbers $2 each...
...Perhaps I am just partial to the name James...
...It is easier to mock Agnew than to answer the very valid questions he places before the American public...
...My article contains numerous examples of Mr...
...Poor Mr...
...they are "tax-deferred" as Mr...
...His victims rarely have even the recourse of a letter to the editor...
...It is difficult to credit the alleged note of anguish in Newsweek's coverage of the Catholic crisis, given the magazine's consistently negative and sniping tone towards the church and its leadership...
...As for me, if 1 am to be labeled a "dissenting" Catholic, I'd like to know what I am dissenting from, other than Mr...
...For those unfamiliar with Mr...
...Lucky Joe's Trading Post, 942 Maxwell Terrace, Room F, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...Just what national interests of America are served by an alliance with Zionism especially when Zionism is the mortal enemy of those Arab states supplying us with from 25% to 30% of our oil needs...
...H. sets some kind of record for errors in a single article and proves once more that man), professors cannot write proper English...
...and (b) that during 1975 the non-institutional pension funds of employes, that is, those of the selfemployed (Keogh Plan Funds) and the Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA's) which were established by Congress in 1974 and took off in 1975, rose, by all accounts, very, very fast--how fast we again do not yet know...
...THE ALTERNATIVE Circulation Department P.O...
...Important: allow six weeks for address change...
...Anyone having copies In good condition please write me at Box A., The Alternative...
...Two colors fit all: Gold on Burgundy and Gold on Navy Blue...
...I don't know why " Editor's note: In our biographical information accompanying James Hitchcock's article, we mistakenly reported The Decline and Fall o f Radical Catholicism (1971) as his most recent book...
...Hitchcock's description of my Oct...
...Meyerson will discover when he reaches retirement age...
...Since I was in Fourth Grade I have often been told that my percentage calculations leave a great deal to be desired--and usually for cause...
...Immediate delivery...
...I reviewed that book years ago for the National Catholic Reporter and found it wanting in accuracy, analysis, balance, and, yes, historical sense...
...The Alternative: An American Spectator November 1976 39...
...Box 877 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 (Please attach address label here...
...But they'd better make it simple...
...Archbishop Connolly was characterized as "a solid member of the Church's managerial elite," in obvious contrast to his humble origins...
...Drucker states, the 1974 value of pension-fund equity portfolios...
...NOW MORE THAN EVER: McGovern buttons from '72 campaign...
...Limited number of back issues of the American Mercury edited by Mencken and Nathan, rare issues, good condition, $7.50 per copy...
...Many people in the past ten years have found the term "dissenting Catholic" to be a badge of honor... integral Catholic subculture with its own distinctive blend of rituals and rules, mystery and mann e r s - - h a s vanished from the American scene...
...The United States Industrial Council represents the views of many free enterprise =businessmen...
...Woodward claims to have read, I also accorded that position to Daniel Berrigan (although his present theological positions seem to me far more dubious...
...As I mentioned in my review, however, even if Drucker has overestimated the importance of pension funds, he has performed an invaluable service in calling our attention to their remarkable, but littleremarked, growth...
...To the Editor: In his otherwise most perceptive review of my book The Unseen Revolution (October 1976) Adam Meyerson faults me for inability to do simple percentages, pointing out that I state the yalue of stocks owned by pension funds as $150 billion and then arrive at this representing 30% of all listed securities, whereas it should have been 20% since the total stock market value of all listed securities as of the end of 1975 was $718.3 billion...
...The point of the story was that the archbishop tried to stimulate a Catholic boycott of the newspaper but failed...
...The Alternative reserves the right to reject any copy for any reason...
...We also offered hope that out of this crisis American Catholicism would find a new sense of peoplehood--but Mr...
...But this time, I had it right...
...For information and a list of publications, write Anthony Harrigan, Executive Vice President, United States Industrial Council, P.O...

Vol. 10 • November 1976 • No. 2

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