CORRESPONDENCE British Bitterness In defending Charles Lindbergh against attacks that were never made on him, John Chamberlain (May 1977) misunderstands the bitterness so many...
...Box numbers $2 each...
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...Statler-Hilton Hotel, New York, August 24-28...
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...Chamberlain conveniently forgets that in 1939 the two were allies...
...Had he read my review with anything like the care with which I read the book, he would have understood that my objections had little to do with Hayek's preoccupation with principles...
...Tees $6 each and Sweats $8 each postpaid_ H.L...
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...Anyone having copies in good condition please write me at Box A., The Alternative...
...The Alternative: An American Spectator August/September 1977 43...
...Rwbard M. Ebeling Sunnyside, New York Mr...
...Chamberlain replies: Believe it or not, I can see the English point of view about Lindbergh...
...Srnd for FREE report on your manuscript =End Pubtwh Y~ur Book CADLI'ON PEI[SS Oept ALT 84 Fifth Ave, New York...
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...Ebeling enunciates a different Hayekian principle--one with which t am entirely in agreement...
...But didn't Churchill say, "In victory, magnanimity...
...Important: allow six weeks for address change...
...Just send $4.95 for one shirt, $9.00 for two, and $4.00 for each additional shirt to: Baron Yon Kannon, P.O...
...Please make checks payable to The Saturday Evening Club...
...James, Kingman Brewster, was right there with Lindbergh in the America First days, and surely the British will want to understand him...
...Ebeling has taken the trouble to confute...
...By a combination of tenacity, help from the American military-industrial complex, and the plain luck of getting hold of a duplicate of the Nazi encoding machine (which gave them perfect foresight), the British came through...
...9 loin our auce.e~fu| muthot~ in F R E E complete, reiiable publishing prc~'~m...
...And I gave quite a number of reasons for that judgment--none of which Mr...
...Semitic (who says he was...
...nor are they expounded with the meticulous logical care of the earlier work...
...Bloomington, Indiana The Alternative: An American Spectator August/September 1977 41 CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 41) generating order The former social arrangement limits social growth to the knowledge and preferences of those who design and guide the society...
...I am interested in purchasing back issues of the Gazette des Amis des Livres...
...Throughout the review in question I repeatedly paid homage m Hayek as one of the great men of the twentieth century, but I felt constrained to report my judgment that the present book is an unworthy addition to the corpus of his work...
...He accuses me of being incapable of making the connection between Hayek's principles and real-world phenomena...
...Enclosed is my check for $10.00 X71 (please print) Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . . . . . . . Date of change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOOKS & PERIODICALS McGUFFEY READERS, replica 1879 edition...
...45 YAF members, $50 others under 25, $75 guests...
...10011 MISCELLANEOUS Faculty Collective Bargaining Alternative...
...STELLA MARTS BOOKS, Box 13072-A, Houston, TX 77019...
...So why is it so incomprehensible that Charles Lindbergh, who had had a close-up view of German strength, should have tried to bring about a compromise peace in Europe in 1940-417 If the West should eventually succumb to the Soviets, Lindbergh's attempt to stop the second European civil war in the late thirties will seem to those in Communist Gulags, to have been an honorable miss...
...Lloyd George said "squeeze 'em till the pips squeak," if I remember ) Lindbergh's father, one of the "little band of willful men" excoriated by Woodrow Wilson for opposing the war, could have said, "I told you so...
...Please renew my subscription for one year...
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...biographical notes...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47401...
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...Set of seven, $25...
...p'a61ir =dvert~ing, handsome I~ook...
...REACH 45,000 READERS with an Alternative classified advertisement 25 cents a word...
...As events proved, he underestimated the Churchillian breed...
...But what Lindbergh said and did was calculated not only to warn Britain of her military inferiority to Germany but also to weaken the British will to fight Hitler (and, incidentally, Stalin...
...Hayek's The Mirage of SociaY Justice, argues that Hayek's analysis in terms of abstract principles results in a work irrelevant to real world events...
...Supplies are really limited...
...MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTORS' ITEM: The supply of original Alternative Turkey Tee Shirts is almost depleted and I will not re-stock...
...Organizational meeting to be held in conjunction with YAF Convention, August 24-28, New York...
...The only substantive objection to my review that he is willing to reveal is that I talked about a central proposition, while he is able to identify the central theme, of Professor Hayek's new book...
...To argue that these are "abstract principles" not directly relevant to the real world can only leave the reader wondering whether the reviewer is capable of distinguishing the difference between a free society and that of a slave...
...So it is understandable that they should view Lindbergh's 1939-40 prophecy of doom as defeatist nonsense...
...Panels on conservative philosophy, issues, techniques, election of YAF officers and adoption of platform, "'roast" Bill Buckley, more...
...The impression he gave over here, however, was that he warned America against trying to help plug the gap at the moment when the war was obviously going to begin...
...CONFERENCES JOIN REAGAN, Simon, Bill Buckley at the YAF National Convention...
...He could have looked more profitably somewhere else...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47401...
...It may be that Charles Lindbergh did no more than warn us of our failure to rearm before the war...
...Fine literary selections...
...I accept that Lindbergh was not anti...
...Cascarelli, U.S...
...To insure that you enjoy this summer in style, order your Alternative Turkey Tee Shirt today...
...Instead, as I clearly stated, the principles expounded in the new book add nothing whatever to the great exposition of the very same principles in The Constitution of Liberty...
...0 Zessker replies: Mr...
...The Europeans, at Versailles, simply didn't know how to make a lasting peace...
...Special Alumni Weekend Friday-Sunday includes all convention sessions plus special alumni events for $45...
...At the crisis of our existence, the big gun of the America First movement threw all his weight against economic help (not military, of that there was no question) to the country that gave him sanctuary from publicity hunters in the hour of his distress...
...The Commodore, POB 277, North Adams, Mich...
...YAF Alumni Association, Box !002, Wood~and Road, Sterling Virginia 22170...
...We had gone into World War I--in reality, a European civil war--and gotten little enough for it...
...The latter social system is led by no single scale of preferences, but instead is one in which each individual is left to pursue his own ends within general rules of conduct that do not explicitly exist to serve any particular individual, but rather operate as "rules of the game" within which all are free to use their individual knowledge as they see fit...
...Of his endeavor to help the Jews I am ready to be convinced (though one certainly saw no fruits of i 0 But in view of what happened at Pearl Harbor and in the Philipines, I always thought it odd that Charles Lindbergh should have railed at Britain's unpreparedness...
...Print your new address and mail this form to The Alternative...
...O'Lessker states that "one of the central propositions in the book" is the view that the free market process is similar to a game, "a game partly of skill and partly of chance...
...George Edinger London, England Mr...
...Hayek's Relevance Professor O'Lessker, in his review (May 1977) ofF.A...
...Write: J.C...
...The Alternative reserves the right to reject any copy for any reason...
...But instead of disputing the reasons I explained for my objections to that analogy, Mr...
...Changing Your Address...
...Aims: the renaissance of a more comprehensive knowledge and cultivation of future statesmen...
...MISCELLANEOUS THE INSTITUTE FOR STATESMANSHIP-in Jerusalem--unique one-year program of advanced courses in science, religion, politics...
...But anyone who has actually read The Mirage of SociaY Justice, and the preceding volume, Rules and Order, would realize that the central theme of Hayek's trilogy is the important difference between a planned order and a spontaneous or self(continued on page 43) There opportunity " Am " ! i n e r l c a Q Sarkes Tarzian Inc...
...Lindbergh brought the full weight of his great reputation to bear on such leading figures as Lloyd George and to scare them into the very attitude of appeasement that Americans so heartily condemned in Neville Chamberlain the year before...
...12-word minimum...
...The reader, if he wishes, can study chapters nine and ten to decide whether I exaggerated the importance which Hayek himself attaches to the notion of market procedures as being "in all important respects...wholly analogous to a game...
...though it is rather hard m believe this about Hermann Goering, who confiscated the insurance payments of Jews whose property was wrecked in the Crystal Nacht of 1938 in Berlin...
...Mencken, Edmund Burke, and Russell Kirk available Tees only...
...A book reviewer's job, it seems to me, includes letting the reader know whether a book is worth buying and reading...
...Ebeling is clearly very angry at me, but his reasons are rather tess clear than his anger...
...Send date, time, and birthplace to Phoebus, Box 4192A, Santa Barbara, CA 93103...
...As to whether that proves me incapable of distinguishing free state from slave, here again the reader can decide for himself...
...Booklets by Peter J. Rusthoven, Philip Vander Elst, W.E...
...One could wonder, instead, whether the review merely reveals O'Lessker's inability to apply abstractions for an understanding of concrete occurrences...
...The United States Industrial Council Educational Foundation publishes a variety of essays and reports on economic and national issues...
...Coordinator, 6556 Algard Street, Philadelphia, PA 19135_ TEE/SHIRTS AND SWEAT/SHIRTS: Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan, Adam Smith, and Saint Thomas Aquinas...
...YAF ALUMN~--former members of Young Americans for Freedom are invited to join YAF Arumni Association...
...C O R R E S P O N D E N C E British Bitterness In defending Charles Lindbergh against attacks that were never made on him, John Chamberlain (May 1977) misunderstands the bitterness so many British feel...
...I will, however, stock American Spectator Tee Shirts in October...
...What I would like to see, as a matter of promoting Anglo-American comity, is some attempt by British writers on Lindbergh to realize there was an honorable isolationist point of view in America in the thirties (The new Ambassador to the Court of St...
...Request brochure, sample Universitas: UPAO, 635 SW Fourth, Corvallis, Oregon 97330...
...Two sizes fit all normal peopte: Large and Too Large...
Vol. 10 • August 1977 • No. 10