Vol. 151 Issue 008 (September 9 2024)
••Cover Page••
Antisemitism in Australia? SO MUCH LEFT UNSAID I read with dismay Viva Hammer’s recent article, “Antisemitism in Paradise” (June). You would never know from reading it that there are Australian...
Kamala Harris and Gaza
FROM THE EDITORS No More July 24 may come to be remembered as one of the most shameful days in recent American history. That was the day Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, a man who...
The Venezuelan election
Oleynick, Griffin
Cracking Down on Tech Monopolies On August 5, a federal judge ruled that Google is an illegal monopoly and that it used anti-competitive practices to dominate the search market...
Guantánamo cases continue
Doyle, Miles
The Case that Never Ends Clayton G. Trivett Jr., a trial attorney and a lieutenant commander in the Navy Reserve, started prosecuting cases at Guantánamo Bay as a Navy lieutenant...
Talking about January 6
Reilly, Mollie Wilson O’
SHORT TAKES MOLLIE WILSON O’REILLY It Happened Here On talking to my kids about January 6 This summer, I took my two older children to Washington D.C. to see the sights. We started off on a...
The Trump Court’s agenda
Kaveny, Cathleen
An artist sketch of the Supreme Court justices during their 2023–2024 term CATHLEEN KAVENY The Imperial Judiciary How four recent Supreme Court decisions may harm our quality of...
Wandering in the Hebrew Bible
Graubart, Rabbi Philip
SHORT TAKES RABBI PHILIP GRAUBART To Wander or Stay Put? The Hebrew Bible’s ambiguous advice about leaving home Near the beginning of the Book of Jeremiah, the prophet waxes nostalgic over...
Women’s ordination
Allen, Charlotte
CONTINUING THE CONVERSATION CHARLOTTE ALLEN A Such-As-It-Was Church Why women’s ordination doesn’t get much traction The May 2024 issue of Commonweal featured a symposium titled “Women and...
Hearing the homily
Griffiths, Paul J.
ARTICLE Hearing Homilies Paul J. Griffiths How preaching and teaching are different At almost every moment of the Mass there is vocalization. Someone, or everyone, speaks or sings. There may...
Life in a Mexican migrant camp
Sorrentino, Joseph
PHOTO ESSAY ‘It’s Worth It’ Life in a Mexico City migrant encampment JOSEPH SORRENTINO Emmanuel gets up most mornings at four o’clock to make the two-hour trip by bus and subway to the Central...
Hill, Kathleen
Zinder, Niger Elegy Kathleen Hill It’s weird to feel like you miss someone you’re not even sure you know. —David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest Not long ago, I stopped at our neighborhood...
Two Poems by Richard Schiffman
POETRY Two Poems by Richard Schiffman HALFWAY Halfway to Heaven, the heavens—not too high, mind you, but a rung above the quotidian sky— at that heady altitude where cobalt blue...
American destiny
Pfaff, William
American Destiny Safe for the rest of the world? WILLIAM PFAFF Contrary to what usually is claimed in Washington, American foreign policy has rarely been directed...
Tania Tetlow
Preziosi, with Dominic
INTERVIEW Mission Territory An interview with Tania Tetlow DOMINIC PREZIOSI Tania Tetlow is the first woman and lay president of Fordham University. She will be honored with the Commonweal...
‘Thirty-Third Anniversary’
Hansen, Tom
POETRY THIRTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY Tom Hansen No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one autumnal face.
—John Donne Watching half-light creep...
Liberalism as a Way of Life
Scialabba, George
BOOKS The Despotism of Money GEORGE SCIALABBA “All men are brothers.” (Women too, of course.) If asked to agree or disagree with this statement, taken in a normative sense, most people would...
While I Breathe, I Hope
Gaillardetz, Richard R.
BOOKS Fitting Us to His Measure PATRICK JORDAN What is “mystagogy,” and what does it have to do with death—yours, mine, or the author’s? This is the question that the distinguished Catholic...
Loose of Earth
Blackburn, Kathleen Dorothy
BOOKS Lifestyle Choice BRENDAN RUBERRY “If I hoped to save my father’s life then,” begins Kathleen Dorothy Blackburn in her debut memoir, “I hope now to understand our history.” And there’s...
Love in a Time of Hate; February 1933
Wittstock, Florian Illies;Uwe
BOOKS Before
& After COSTICA BRADATAN When history is about to take an abrupt turn, is there something in people’s eyes or in their secret longings that pre-announces it somehow—and that...
A Hitch in Time
Hitchens, Christopher
BOOKS kathy dewitt/alamy stock photo When He Was Good MORTEN HØI JENSEN How distant the world Christopher Hitchens departed in December 2011 seems today. The vice president, Joe...
Books in Brief
BOOKS IN BRIEF Our technologies, especially emerging ones, hold up a mirror to ourselves. Plato famously critiqued writing because he believed it would impoverish humans’...
Wrong Norma
Carson, Anne
BOOKS Anne Carson Hard Swerves JORDAN BURKE People don’t swim the same way they used to. This may seem like a strange topic for conversation, but there was a time when sociologists...
David Jones’s ‘In Parenthesis’
the Vortex’ David Jones’s parenthetical epic I’m accustomed to saying that In Parenthesis by David Jones is the greatest work of modernist...
POETRY WORMS Elizabeth Poreba There I am nursing grievances, washing the dishes, calculating my steps, my pulse, my innermost thoughts, writing checks, poems, petitions, buying wine by the...
Paring down, letting go
LAST WORD Paring Down, Letting Go PETER QUINN “Depend upon it, sir,” observed Samuel Johnson, “when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” I’m...