IssueVol. 144 Issue 012 (July 7 2017)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleLetters
LETTERS Anonymous priests, voodoo economics, etc. ANONYMITY APPRECIATED In response to Robert Imbelli's remark ("Drawing Boundaries," June 2) on the anonymity of Fr. Nonomen's contributions to...
Paid articleEditorial
It, Just Build
From the Editors Just Build It On an evening in early June, hundreds of New York subway commuters riding the F train found themselves trapped underground for more than forty-five minutes. The air...
Paid article'Still She Is a Wonderful Girl'
McGowan, Jo
COLUMNISTS Jo McGowan 'Still She Is a Wonderful Girl' HOW MY IN-LAWS LEARNED TO LIVE WITH MY CHRISTIAN FAITH Until the day she died, my mother-in-law and I had an amazing relationship. In the...
Paid articleSolidarity or Silence?
O'Reilly, Mollie Wilson
Mollie Wilson O'Reilly Solidarity or Silence? AMERICAN MUSLIMS & RELIGIOUS LIBERTY In response to President Donald Trump's January 27 executive order curtailing Muslim immigration, several...
Paid articleThe New Normal
Bacevich, Andrew J.
SHORT TAKES Andrew J. Bacevich The New Normal SOCIAL CHANGES THAT TRUMP HASN'T, WON'T, AND CAN'T AFFECT Asampling of recent headlines: "Art in the Age of Trump;" "Truth in the Age of Trump;"...
Paid articleWhat 'America First' Means Here
Donahue, William
William Donahue What 'America First' Means Here LETTER FROM GERMANY Last week an old friend from Stuttgart wrote to reassure me: "Don't worry. We'll stick together, no matter what our politicians...
Paid articleSt. Joseph's Cemetery
Perrault, John
ST. JOSEPH'S CEMETERY As the limbs bend with the weight of the leaves sodden with rain I am reminded how rooted I am to the ground of my being— to the saturated moss with its little streams...
Paid articleExtremists, 'X-Men,' and an Ex-Governor
Pinault, David
David Pinault Extremists, 'X-Men,' and an Ex-Governor A CAUTIONARY TALE FROM JAKARTA It's not every year that you encounter an election campaign featuring blasphemy charges, contorted Quran...
Paid article'A Kindly Presence of Mind'
Domestico, Anthony
INTERVIEW 'A Kindly Presence of Mind' An Interview with George Saunders Anthony Domestico When I first e-mailed George Saunders in September to see if he'd be willing to chat about his first...
Paid articleSummer Addresses
Padhi, Bibhu
SUMMER ADDRESSES They keep arriving, defying the summer heat, the crowding of ancient thoughts in the mind's sceptical corners, defying the mood to celebrate the presence of old relationships...
Paid articleHis Bleak Materials
Meyers, Jeffrey
ARTICLES His Bleak Materials J. F. Powers at One Hundred Jeffrey Meyers In May 1981 I was invited to lecture at St. John's University and monastery in Collegeville, seventy-five miles northwest...
Paid articleProphet of Harlem
Oleynick, Griffin
Prophet of Harlem The Conversion of Claude McKay Griffin Oleynick Early on in J. F. Powers's 1947 short story "The Trouble," a distressed African-American intellectual recites a few lines of...
Paid articleTwo Poems
Cadnum, Michael
POETRY Two Poems by Michael Cadnum MOSQUITO The garden at night coy shadow, fishpond thick with softly gleaming algae. The human whispers, our murmured secret thrives in such balmy chiaroscuro...
Paid articleIlluminations
McDermott, Alice
FICTION Illuminations Alice McDermott On her first afternoon at the sanatorium upstate, Sister Illuminata left the porch where the patients were lined up like bolts of linen and wandered through...
Paid articleObit & Jeremiah Tower
Cooper, Rand Richards
FILM Rand Richards Cooper The Fundamentals 'OBIT' & 'JEREMIAH TOWER' These two documentaries are a bit off the beaten path, including the path to the movie theater, so you'll have to stream them...
Paid articleThe Handmaid's Tale
Wren, Celia
TELEVISION Celia Wren Women's Work 'THE HANDMAID'S TALE' The brutality unfolds with a precision so choreographed it's worthy of Busby Berkeley. In the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian...
Paid articleThe Face of Water
Miles, Jack
BOOKS Jack Miles Shop Talk The Face of Water A Translator on Beauty and Meaning in the Bible Sarah Ruden Pantheon, $26.95, 232 pp. Somewhere in The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, Gertrude...
Paid articleThe Schooldays of Jesus
Nelson, Cassandra
Cassandra Nelson Losing His Way The Schooldays of Jesus J. M. Coetzee Viking, $27, 260 pp. In his essay "The Storyteller" (1936), philosopher Walter Benjamin asserts that "every real story" must...
Paid articleIll Will
Preziosi, Dominic
Dominic Preziosi Lie, Memory 111 Will By Dan Chaon Ballantine Books, $28, 458 pp. Would a bookish 1970s adolescence have been complete without taking on Thomas Tryon's The Other? Aside from...
Paid articleThe Idiot
Christman, Phil
Phil Christman A Defiant Imperfection The Idiot ElifBatuman Penguin, $27, 432 pp. It's probably possible to read Elif Batuman's first novel—the story, by a Harvard-educated, language-obsessed,...
Paid articleThe Other Guy
Ryan, Jerry
LAST WORD The Other Guy Jerry Ryan When I was a boy the third person of the Trinity was referred to as the Holy Ghost. I recall not being too keen on doing business with a ghost, however holy he...
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