Vol. 139 Issue 009 (May 1 2012)
••Cover Page••
LETTERS Climate change, confession, contraception, etc. But why? “‘Global Suicide Pact’” (March 23) was a fine introduction to some of the basic data, facts and projections about...
Dangers, Partisan
From the Editors Partisan Dangers On April 12 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty released a statement, “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty,”...
College, the New Luxury Item
COLUMNISTs College, the New Luxury Item How will the nonrich pay for it? Charles R. Morris A sad little story has been unfolding at Santa Monica Community College in Southern California....
A Losing Strategy
Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien
A Losing Strategy The U.s. bishops’ campaign against the contraception mandate Margaret O’Brien Steinfels What are the U.S. Catholic bishops really arguing about with the Obama administration?...
Long Division
Peñalver, Eduardo M.
ELECTION 2012 Long Division The perils of income inequality Eduardo M. Peñalver American thinkers have long perceived a connection between robust democracy and a relatively...
Georgia O'Keefe's the Miracle Flower, 1936
Kosek, Raphael
Georgia O’Keefe’s The Miracle Flower, 1936 Our white bells trumpet the miracle of large, open whiteness. Don’t you see how we fill this world, her tired canvas, with buoyant promise? We are...
Separation Anxiety
Jost, Timothy Stoltzfus
SHORT TAKE Separation Anxiety Abortion funding & the affordable care act Timothy Stoltzfus Jost On March 12 the federal government released regulations that will determine how the state...
Anno Animae in Terra 2011
Vreuls, Diane
ANNO ANIMAE IN TERR A 2011 So many years in time, my soul, so long since I met you at the door to this large plain room where all the children looked up for a moment as we entered, then turned...
Dying into Life
Wiman, Christian
Dying into Life What Faith Reveals Christian Wiman In my early twenties I found myself reduced to living in a twenty-five-foot trailer in a tiny, dying town in far West Texas. There was a...
A Lion at Bay
Landers, Robert K.
A Lion at Bay The Life & Art of James T. Farrell Robert K. Landers I first came upon James T. Farrell (1904–1979) as a possible subject for a book around 1990, in a memoir by Sloan Wilson, the...
Four Poems
Poreba, Elizabeth
Four Poems by Elizabeth Poreba AS THE ANGEL OF THE LORD COMMANDED JOSEPH Trees along the Taconic sheathed in ice, ordinary from a distance then at a certain angle on fire, electric in...
Birth of a Nation
O'Donovan, Leo
Birth of a Nation The Met’s New American Wing Leo O’Donovan Last October the Metropolitan Museum of Art opened its new and expanded Islamic galleries to widespread critical acclaim—“as...
Sentimentalized Barbarity
Alleva, Richard
Sentimentalized Barbarity ‘the hunger games’ Richard Alleva When the f ilm adaptation of an immensely popular novel preserves those elements that made the book a success, it is bound to...
Accommodation or Engagement?
Steinfels, Peter
Accommodation or Engagement? Peter Steinfels Ross Douthat, the youngest writer to win a regular spot among New York Times columnists, is a promising recruit to the tribe of...
The New Segregation
Whitehead, Barbara Dafoe
The New Segregation Barbara Dafoe Whitehead Charles Murray has joined the inequality debate with a provocative argument that challenges the prevailing liberal view. He, too, believes there is...
Sex, Lies & Audiotape
Domestico, Anthony
Sex, Lies & Audiotape Anthony Domestico In a brilliant takedown of the TV series Mad Men in the New York Reivew of Books, Daniel Mendelsohn condemned what many take to be the show’s main...
A Wormhole through the Cheese
Wilson, John
A Wormhole through the Cheese John Wilson In 2008, John Sutherland published a book called Magic Moments, in which he recounted pivotal encounters with books (and movies and music) from the...
Graceless Education
O'Brien, Dennis
Graceless Education Dennis O’Brien When Andrew Delbanco, chair of American Studies at Columbia University, joined the faculty a quarter-century ago, he attended a meeting to discuss a budget...
Literature's Superego
Meyers, Jeffrey
Literature’s Superego Jeffrey Meyers In 1971, when I was beginning my academic career and Lionel Trilling was at the height of his fame, I sent him my essay “The Politics of Forster’s A...
The Unveiling
Sederer, Lloyd I.
The Last Word The Unveiling Lloyd I. Sederer The shroud was a plain, straw-colored cotton fabric taped to the mausoleum’s wall. It concealed the name, newly carved into the granite façade, that...
Vol. 139 Issue 010 (May 18 2012)