IssueVol. 138 Issue 005 (March 11 2011)
IssueVol. 138 Issue 006 (March 25 2011)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleSheed, Taylor & Maritain
LETTERS Sheed, Taylor & Maritain NO HACK Thanks for the attention to Wilfrid Sheed's inimitable style, wit, and way with a sentence ("Readers Will Always Be Grateful," February 25). He was one of...
Paid articledotCommonweal
dotCOMMONWEAL_ Join the conversation at SHIFTING GROUNDS From Unagidon's comment on "Smearing Teachers' Unions," by Paul Moses: This started in Wisconsin with...
Paid articleTurmoil in the Middle East
From the Editors Turmoil in the Middle East Most Americans would have a hard time locating Bahrain, Yemen, Oman, or even Libya on a map. Such ignorance is becoming less excusable, because what is...
Paid articleLost Appetite
Pfaff, William
COLUMNISTS William Pfaff Lost Appetite HAS AMERICA GIVEN UP ON LAND WARS? The 2011 meeting of the Institute for Mediterranean Political Studies serendipitously coincided with the Arab...
Paid articleSouthern Discomfort
Henneberger, Melinda
Melinda Henneberger Southern Discomfort A NOVEL, A LAWSUIT & AN UNHAPPY LEGACY Kathryn Stockett's best-selling novel The Help, which has been made into a movie scheduled for release this summer,...
Paid articleEnd of an Era
Schilling, Timothy P.
SHORT TAKES Timothy P. Schilling End of an Era THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF LOUVAIN CLOSES It's both surprising and sad that a prominent national seminary, our oldest abroad, with a distinguished...
Paid articlePredictably Horrific
Winright, Tobias
Tobias Winright Predictably Horrific THE AFTERLIFE OF CLUSTER BOMBS Following two days of intensive bombing in Karbala, Iraq, in 2003, Jabar Raheem and her six-year-old daughter, Duaa, emerged...
Paid articleThirst
Vreuls, Diane
Thirst The wine is sour which we drink without a blessing and dark, staining the cloth that covers the table which is not Christ. You, new sweet drink, You give us: first, yourself; and after,...
Paid articleDon't Look Away
Mujica, Barbara
ARTICLES Don't Look Away For Wounded Soldiers, the Battle Outlasts the War Barbara Mujica With chilling matter- of-factness, Joshua Tuohy describes the explosion that took his right leg and...
Paid articleBoots
Doyle, Brian
Boots Brian Doyle My name is Jacqueline. You can call me Jackie. Until recently you could call me Sergeant. I am now retired from the service. I will be twenty-seven years old on Sunday, at...
Paid articleUncertainty Principle
Finn, Daniel
Uncertainty Principle The Bishops, Health Care & Prudence Daniel Finn My auto mechanic, Maynard, has a lesson to teach us about the unfortunate dispute between the U.S. bishops and the Catholic...
Paid articleAnother Year
Cooper, Rand Richards
SCREEN Rand Richards Cooper The Good Life 'ANOTHER YEAR' The annual Oscar postmortem is the time for second-guessing and bitter complaint, and in that spirit I want to blast the near-total...
Paid articleOurselves Unborn
Tentler, Leslie Woodcock
BOOKS Leslie Woodcock Tentler Fetal Positions Ourselves Unborn A History of the Fetus in Modern America Sara Dubow Oxford University Press, $29.95, 320 pp. Americans living in the...
Paid articleTo the End of the Land
Domestico, Anthony
Anthony Domestico An Act of Remembrance To the End of the Land David Grossman Translated by Jessica Cohen Alfred A. Knopf, $26.95, 576 pp. At one point in David Grossman's new novel, To the End...
Paid articleOn Compromise and Rotten
McCabe, David
David McCabe Deal or No Deal? On Compromise and Rotten Compromises Avishai Margalit Princeton University Press, $26.95, 232 pp. Hegel famously observed that the owl of Minerva takes flight only...
Paid articleThe Disenchantment
Moreland, Michael P.
Michael P. Moreland Out of the Shallows The Disenchantment of Secular Discourse Steven D. Smith Harvard University Press, $26.95, 304 pp. Imoderated a panel at a recent conference on abortion...
Paid articleThe End and the Beginning
Prusak, Bernard P.
Bernard P. Prusak Santo Subito? The End and the Beginning Pope John Paul II—The Victory of Freedom, the Last Years, the Legacy George Weigel Doubleday, $32.50, 608 pp. This volume carries on...
Paid articleThe Red Boat
Sauro, Joan
THE LAST WORD The Red Boat Joan Sauro Oh, carry me safe to the farthest shore, Carry me there, my sweet Lord. —Negro spiritual Were she to tell the story, she would begin with pleasant details,...
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