IssueVol. 132 Issue 003 (February 11 2005)
IssueVol. 132 Issue 004 (February 25 2005)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleLetters
Letters r o o ~9 priests & theological conundrums TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? How many theologians can dance on the pages of such a slim magazine? Unfortunately, I read through the whole...
Paid articleEditorial
From the Editors Social Insecurity C ~mce the Great De! resslon, the Amer" ~ ican people--whether rich or poor-have had an ace in their back pocket. You might lose your shirt in the stock...
Paid articleEt Cetera
ET CETERA HAIGHT REDUX E ' arlier this month, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the ,Faith (CDF) barred the theologian Roger Haight, SJ, from teaching Catholic theology until he corrects...
Paid articleEvil Happens
Lustig, Andrew
Andrew Lustig Evil Happens WHO'S AT FAULT? f t The subject of "Science and Re-:: . . , , : ~ hglon has become something ; - 5 ~ of a cottage industry in the ,.,{\~' academy. Ian Barbour...
Paid articleChild Rearing
Whitehead, Barbara Dafoe
oa ca Barbara Dafoe Whitehead Child Rearing WHY PARENTS FEEL SO INEPT ~ ~ - Are today's parents worried that >::}~ ~<~ they're not up to the job? Are ' ~I they afrmd of their own kids ~:| Is...
Paid articleCatholic Politicians
Nixon, J. Peter
.7. Peter Nixon Catholic Politicians FOR GOD OR COUNTRY? I n 2004, it was hard for Catholics to read a newspaper or turn on the television without hearing debates about their political...
Paid articleOne Bishop's Legacy
Chatteris, Christopher
<2a r 0 o born, it is hard not to see their personal opposition as essentially meaningless. Last November's elections do seem to have initiated a conversation among Democrats about their...
Paid articleMy Life in Opus Dei
Silva, Alvaro
My Life in Opus Dei Why I Joined & Why I Left Alvaro Silva T he huge, devout crowd attending the canonization of Opus Dei founder Josemarfa Escrivfi at St. Peter's Square in the fall of 2002...
Paid articleOpus Dei Today
Bergonzi, Bernard
stubborn resistance to liturgical change, from the use of the vernacular to Communion in the hand, permanent deacons, and altar girls? Why the obsession with prescribing human behavior? Saints...
Paid articleHopeful Still
Maguire, Gregory
Hopeful Still Voices on the Church in a Time of Scandal & Fear ~regory Maguire ' s " y e a l , 7 ' " - " m . ' y . " " ~" "" - 1" a, t in summer of discontent | with the church, Commorm,eaI...
Paid articleHopeful Still
Sheahen, Laura
and I won't be intimidated into denying my children their Catholic birthright? (If the child asked his father for bread, would he give his child a stone?) Can I tolerate the epithet hypocrite...
Paid articleEpiphany
Cornell, M. Doretta
Epiphany I didn't even know I was in danger of losing you. 1 hardly noticed you were slipping away, what with all the physics, the archeology, the literary deconstruction of textuality: all...
Paid articleThe Woodsman
Cooper, Rand Richards
Rand Richards Cooper Unforgiven 'THE WOODSMAN' i kind d~ protago , t suppose would top the American moviegoing public's list of hardest to sympathize with? Not far down from...
Paid articleLost
Wren, Celia
bedroom--that evoke his forbidden and anguished desire. In a bar, flirting with Vickie, Walter plays with a napkin, making it into goofy puppet figures. Realizing the implications of what he...
Paid articleGilead
Sayers, Valerie
Valerie Sayers There Is a Balm eq ~q e,i ~a O O Gilead Marilynne Robinson Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $23,247 pp. J ohn Ames, a seventy-six-year-old pastor in Gilead, Iowa, is dying of...
Paid articleCatching Light
Alleva, Richard
Richard Alleva Slipping on the Orange Peel ,q r O O r Catching Light Looking for God in the Movies Roy M. Anker Eerdmans, $20, 432 pp, I have to work hard to be fair to this book because...
Paid articleHistory of Vatican II, Vol. IV
Prusak, Bernard P.
g t"q r Ca to see the movie? Now here is Arlene Croce (in The Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Book) describing an utterly frivolous moment, the singing of "Cheek to Cheek," in an utterly...
Paid articleLike Peter
Jordan, William
The Last Word Like Peter William ~ordan W hat place does failure have in our lives? I don't mean the occasional setback or bad day. I mean the things that go terribly wrong. The marriage we...
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