Vol. 130 Issue 019 (November 7 2003)
••Cover Page••
Correspondence On reading Stout's 'Hauerwas'
The next pope As Pope John Paul II celebrates the twenty-fifth year of his papacy ("A Remarkable Presence," October 10), I look forward to the future and a new pope. Although I admire and...
Editorial Allowing to die
It is hard to imagine a more tragic or tortuous case than that of Terri Schiavo, the thirty-nine-year-old Florida woman whose husband and parents are battling over disconnecting her from the feeding...
Et cetera What women want?
ET CETERA What women want? On October 21, the Senate passed a bill that would ban partial-birth abortion, a procedure in which the fetus is partially delivered in order to facilitate the...
In surprising ways Ecumenical progress
Garvey, John
JOHN GARVEY IN SURPRISING WAYS How ecumenism has changed us There are lots of mixed feelings about the ecumenical movement, just as there are about the results of the Second Vatican Council, and...
Measuring poverty
Lozada, Carlos
CARLOS LOZADA MEASURING POVERTY Harder than it looks On October 17, the United Nations observed the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan used the...
Mexico's messiah? Mexico City's rabble-rousing mayor
Grayson, George W.
George W. Grayson MEXICO'S MESSIAH? The mayor who would be president Mexico's President Vicente Fox has been in office only three years, but the race to succeed him has already begun. The...
Rooftop perspective What are we fighting for?
Schilling, Timothy P
Timothy P. Schilling ROOFTOP PERSPECTIVE E. B. White & the fight against terrorism Home time in the fall of 1985 at Princeton I heard Stanley Hauerwas, the moral theologian (then of Notre Dame,...
WHAT WOMEN WANT Where theology, feminism & popular culture meet
Kaveny, Cathleen
WHAT WOMEN WANT 'Buffy', the pope & the new feminists Cathleen Kaveny Bn his 1995 Letter to Women, Pope John Paul II calls for a dialogue about the situation and challenges facing women. He...
Mystic River The violent bear it away
Cooper, Rand Richards
Rand Richards Cooper UNFORGIVEN IN BOSTON Eastwood's 'Mystic River' Three current box-office titans raise the question: How do you like your movie violence? As schlocky entertainment (the...
Doctor Zhivago Makeover for a classic
Wren, Celia
A LEAN-ER VERSION Masterpiece Theatre's 'Doctor Zhivago' he movie Doctor Zhivago fed my early childhood terrors. The initial scenes in David Lean's celebrated 1965 epic include a wintry funeral...
The Atheist by Bryan F Le Beau Ungodly by Ted Dracos
Garvey, Michael O
BOOKS A true believer The Atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair Bryan F. LeBeau New York University Press, $29.95, 296 pp. Ungodly The Passions, Torments, and Murder of Atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair...
Elroy Nights by Frederick Barthelme
Sayers, Valerie
LOVELY YOUNG SKIN Elroy Mlahts Frederick Barthelme Counterpoint, $24,195 pp. Valerie Sayers Frederick Barthelme's elev-enth novel is also his first in six years. It is no wonder there has been...
What Price Better Health? by Daniel Callahan
Lustig, Andrew
WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative Daniel Callahan Unversity of Cilifbrnia Press/The Milbaitk Memorial Found, $29.95.335 pp. Andrew...
The Creed by Luke Timothy Johnson
Daley, Brian E.
WHAT WE PROFESS The Creed What Christians Believe and Why It Matters Luke Timothy Johnson Doubled™. SH.95. 324 pp. Brian E. Daley One unfortunate aspect of modern academic special-ization is...
The Transformation of American Religion by Alan Wolfe
Yamane, David
RED, WHITE & BEIGE The Transformation of American Religion How We Actually Live Our Faith Alan Wolfe I'm- Prem, 526.309 pp. David Yamane In The Transformation of American Religion, Alan Wolfe...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy edited by James B. South
Phillips, Maxine
HO ORDINARY GIRL Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy Fear and Trembling in Sunny dale Edited by fames B. South rlaxine Phillips In the final season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, our...
Birthday boys Waugh & Greene
Davis, Robert Murray
BIRTHDAY BOYS Robert Murray Davis Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene might have enjoyed the superfluity of ironies attendant on the respective celebrations of Waugh's centenary at Oxford during the...
Vol. 130 Issue 020 (November 21 2003)