IssueVol. 129 Issue 019 (November 8 2002)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleCorrespondence From covers to the 'Last Word'
CORRESPONDENCE To the Editors Good cover(age) Let me add my vote of resounding approval for your October 11 cover. It is so important that Christianity not be hijacked by the pro-war team, and...
Paid articleEditorial What does Rome want?
What does Rome want? The application of the policies adopted.. .in Dallas can be the source of confusion and ambiguity." Is this response from the Vatican an honest one, or does it forecast serious...
Paid articleA note from the editor
A Note from the Editor I joined Commonweal in 1988, and its two-week schedule has set the rhythm of my thinking, reading, writing, and social life ever since. Twenty-two times a year for fifteen...
Paid articleNotebook Celebrating Vatican II
Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien
NOTEBOOK CELEBRATING VATICAN II Celebrating Archbishop Hunthausen On a dismal season for the Catholic Church, one bright if poignant note has been sounded by celebrations around the country...
Paid articleMy kind of pol Wellstone will be hard to replace
Dionne, E. J. Jr.
E.J. DIONNE Jr. MY KIND OF POL Remembering Paul Wellstone The late Senator Paul Well-stone never walked into a room. He bounced, he bounded, he trotted-a bundle of energy coiled in a small frame....
Paid articlePlundering the dead Human bodies or organ farms?
Gleeson, Andrew
Andrew Gleeson PLUNDERING THE DEAD Harvesting the unborn Is it not time to stop regarding the dead body as anything but something to dispose of as quickly-and yes, as usefully-as possible? What is...
Paid articleKidnapped From Baptist playwright to 'Catlick'
VanOosting, James
Kidnapped Jantes VanOosting From Baptist to Catholic I grew up a fundamentalist Baptist in 1950s Freeport, Illinois. Although I was allowed to play basketball with Mikey Pohill, I couldn't go...
Paid articleEviction day
O'Gorman, Angie
Angle O'Gorman EVICTION DAY An eyewitness account From the window of my second-story apartment, I watch a sheriff with civilian cohort sleuthing about on the next block. My viewing angle prevents...
Paid articleBaptism
Mattern, Evelyn
Baptism You sleep deeply in your mother's arms in the front row of the small stone church far and not far from the center of things. In a few minutes cold water will strike your forehead and...
Paid articleTHE CATHOLIC NOVEL Incarnation & the imagination
Quinn, Peter
THE CATHOLIC NOVEL Fact or fiction? Peter Quinn Is there such a thing as the Catholic novel?" Tricky question. My qualifications for addressing it boil down to two: I'm a practicing...
Paid articleA WAR FOR OIL Is Saddam Hussein the problem or is it Saudi Arabia?
Mandle, Jay R.
A WAR FOR OIL Bush, the Saudis, & Iraq Jay R. Handle I am deeply suspicious of economically deter-minist or conspiratorial explanations for political and historical events. The world is just too...
Paid articleCatholics online Where the 'orthodox' roam
Feuerherd, Peter
Peter Feuerherd CATHOLICS ONLINE Never an unpublished thought As if the bishops didn't have enough to worry about. Now they are under attack from the bloggers. Blogs-a word that combines "web"...
Paid articleA Moral Reckoning
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah; Sheehan, James J.
Goldhagen at it again A Moral Reckoning The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair Daniel Jonah Goldhagen Alfred A. Knopf, $25, 344 pp. James J....
Paid articleCaramelo
Cisneros, Sandra; O'Connor, Kyrie
A SALTY, GREASY HOT DOG Caramelo Sandra Cisneros Alfred A. Knopf, $24,454 pp. Kyrie O'Connor Sandra Cisneros's novel Caramelo could, dryly but accurately, be said to be about the...
Paid articleGirl Meets God
Winner, Lauren F.; Sayers, Valerie
AN UNCERTAIN TRUMPET Girl Meets Cod On the Path to a Religious Life Lauren F. Winner Algonquin, $23.95, 320 pp. Valerie Sayers In this tell-all age, the spiritual memoir faces a daunting...
Paid articleJohn Henry Newman
Turner, Frank M.; ARX, JEFFREY VON
NOWHERE ELSE TO GO? John Henry Newman The Challenge to Evangelical Religion Frank M. Turner Yale University Press, $35, 740 pp. Jeffrey von Arx Hew major intellectual figures have been so...
Paid articleA Badly Flawed Election:The Longest Night: The Vote
Dworkin, Ronald; Jacobson, Arthur J.; Rosenfeld, Michel; Sunstein, Cass R.; Epstein, Richard A.; Magarian, Gregory P.
HOW BUSH WON A Badly Flawed Election Debating Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court, and American Democracy Edited by Ronald Dworkin New Press, $26.95,352pp. The Longest Night Polemics and...
Paid articleReligion booknotes
Cunningham, Lawrence S.
RELIGION BOOKNOTES Lawrence S. Cunningham The disciples' request, "Lord, teach us to pray" (Lk 11:1), elicited one of the most enduring and commented-upon of Christian texts, and the Lord's Prayer...
Paid articleEn garde!
Cohen, Richard
The Last Word EN GARDE! Richard Cohen As war with Iraq appears increasingly unavoidable, some have suggested that George W. Bush's obvious personal animosity toward Saddam Hussein is more a...
IssueVol. 129 Issue 020 (November 22 2002)
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