IssueVol. 124 Issue 021 (December 5 1997)
IssueVol. 124 Issue 022 (December 19 1997)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleCorrespondence
Second sight Thanks so much for placing the original "Smile, When You Say 'Laity'" [September 12 ] on your website so that I could take a second look at the basis for all those reactions in the...
Paid articleEditorials Fleeing Bethlehem
Fleeing Bethlehem True or false: The Christian church in the Holy Land is dying? False, if you mean by "church" the throngs of Christian pilgrims and tourists who visit the holy sites in Jerusalem,...
Paid articleEditorials Bah, humbug
BAH, HUMBUG "Be not afraid" may be a papal watchword, but fear is the overriding note of a Vatican instruction on the collaboration of clergy and laity in pastoral ministry signed by the heads of...
Paid articleThe seven McCaugheys Does fertility have its limits? Where does the pursuit of happiness end?
Garvey, John
JOHN GARVEY THE SEVEN McCAUGHEYS Babies as products The recent birth of septuplets in Iowa is interesting at a couple of levels. It focuses our attention on the difficult moral questions raised...
Paid articleFast first, then feast In England, at least one Catholic is ready to party this Christmas
Maitland, Sara
Sara Maitland FAST FIRST, THEN FEAST How God keeps Christmas We have lost the art of feasting. This is a little sad at Christmas time. We cannot feast, because we do not fast. am not, here,...
Paid articleLetter from Oregon Doyle What Catholics ought to learn from Oregon's legalization of physician-assisted suicide
Moore, James; Brian
James Moore & Brian Doyle LETTER FRON OREGON The state of euthanasia In the only state where suicide is legal, the state of the state is confusion. On November 4, Oregon's Ballot Measure 51, which...
Paid articleNO HUMANITARIAN Mother Teresa bristled when people called her a social worker She had good reason
Poplin, Mary
NO HUHANITARIAN A portrait of Mother Teresa Nary Poplin Last year I spent two months as a volunteer at one of the homes for children operated by the Mis-sionaries of Charity in Calcutta. Like...
Paid articleA Question at Duskrise
Fandel, John
John Fandel A Question at Duskrise Now the Flag on the flagpole next the water might just as well be a blister on the pole, a colored blister, a kind of barber pole in front of a clipjoint,...
Paid articleWings of the Dove A movie that puts what's best of Henry James up on the screen; or so says our movie critic
Alleva, Richard
Richard Alleva HENRY JAMES MADE CARNAL 'Wings of the Dove The final fictions of Henry James are royal works of art, but royalty can be exasperating. My loving quarrel with The Wings of the Dove,...
Paid articleThe Scarlet Pimpernel Triumph of Love Gross Indecency
Wren, Celia
Celia Wren LOOKING FOR SOUL 'The Scarlet Pimpernel,' 'Triumph of Love,' & 'Gross Indecency' About the French Revolution, Charles Dickens remarked that it is "a wonderful fact to reflect upon,...
Paid articleFour Letters of Love
McDermott, by Niall Williams Alice
A riot of loving, longing, finding Four Letters of Love Niall Williams Alice McDermott This is a novel about love: ro-mantic love, filial love, mar-ried love, sexual love, love of God, love of...
Paid articleEdmund Wilson Edited
Baumann, by Lewis M Dabney Paul
AN UNLIKELY BELIEVER Edmund Wilson Centennial Reflections Edited by Lewis M. Dabney Paul Baumann Patriotic Gore (1962), Edmund Wilson's fat, endlessly fascinating book about the literature of...
Paid articleThe Angel of Darkness
Deignan, by Caleb Can Thomas
FIGHTING IRISH The Angel of Darkness Caleb CanThomas Deignan Partisans of historical fiction, having recently slogged their way through Don DeLillo's brutal, brilliant rendering of the cold...
Paid articleIndex to Volume CXXIV
Index to Volume CXXIV January 17,1997, to December 19,1997 Articles and Poetry Allen, John L., Jr.,................................Riordan & Hayden Allitt, Patrick................Smile when you...
Paid articleGeorge Bailey's secret life A Christmas classic deconstructed
Deneen, Patrick J
GEORGE BAILEY'S SECRET LIFE Patrick J. Deneen Thanks to countless television reruns each holiday season, It's a Wonderful Life has become a permanent feature of our Christmas celebration. Frank...
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