Vol. 121 Issue 001 (January 14 1994)
••Cover Page••
Thanks & blessings Lahore, Pakistan To the Editors: I would like to record my gratitude and appreciation for the copies of Commonweal that you have been sending me for several years. I enjoy...
A needed conversation Questions about his personal character, political conviction, and judgment dogged Bill Clinton during the '92 presidential campaign and followed him into the White House...
Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien
DRAWING LINES QUINDLEN, KISSLING & US wo years ago, Commonweal published an interview with Anna Quindlen. Alex Santora' s friendly, almost pastoral, conversation with the New York Times's...
Paradoxes of free trade
Kelly, Kevin
1 hile arguments about the pros and cons of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) filled the airwaves last fall, a far more muscular trade accord was being hammered out by the...
Good plan, major flaw
Koller, Christopher F.
You would think the child of a health maintenance organization manager would have the sense to arrive in this world in a cost-effective manner, but not our son. First, by hanging around...
Catholics contra mundum
Rutledge, Fleming
CATHOLICS 'CONTRA MUNDUM' THEY GET SOME THINGS RIGHT ¦ suppose a case could be made from 1 Corinthians 1:1017 that Saint Paul would be greatly distressed by the divisions in the Christian...
A man to remember
Carlin, David R. Jr.
OF SEVERAL MINDS David R. Carlin, Jr. A NAN TO REMEMBER MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., MORAL HERO few years back, Lynn Cheney, who was then head of the National Endowment for the Humanities...
Hey! Squash it!
McCarthy, Abigail
11 OF SEVERAL HIHPS Abigail McCarthy HEY! SQUASH IT! AN EPIDEMIC OF SANITY? very once in a while a book first published in 1841 begins to draw attention again. It is issued once more by a...
The coming of the third world
Tesfai, Yacob
THE ECUMENICAL TASK: 1994 YACOB TESFAI THE COMING OF THE THIRD WORLD ¥he ecumenical movement is traversing one of the most difficult periods of its history. True, talk of crisis is not new...
Christians vs. lions
O'Rourke, Brian
THE GRAYMOOR PRIZE WINNERS THE ECUMENICAL TASK: 1994 13 BRIAN O'ROURKE CHRISTIANS VS. LIONS ^^A Jj^L ^^V e can't go on like this. For the past hour ^^B^^^A^^V we have been bumping along in...
Fandel, John
19 John Fandel Sermon It did not speak to me. It spoke such hindsight views, My spirit put on shoes And hiked to Galilee. An exile from the pews, What would it thereby see? A man beside the...
Mending the world
Fein, Leonard
MENDING THE WORLD A JEWISH APPROACH TO SOCIAL JUSTICE LEONARD FEIN here is no authoritative Jewish statement on economic justice, nothing at all analogous to the National Conference of...
Partridge, Dixie
22. Dixie Partridge Earthly Effects Again the birch trees practice dying, their emptied limbs paler than the winter dark. My daughter, returned to college, has left ajar of Ovaltine—like an...
Alleva, Richard
A WORD OF DISSENT THIS 'PIANO' IS OUT OF TUNE he Piano, written and directed by Jane Campion, has been touted as the art house masterpiece of early winter. It certainly displays all the...
McConnell, Frank
28 MEDIA ART IS DANGEROUS 'BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD/ FOR EXAMPLE Having established a reputation as an antinomian nihilist pornographer (sounds like a "Geraldo" guest) with my defense of "NYPD Blue,"...
The Phoenix and the Flame
Kamen, Henry; Bankston, Carl L. III
Reformation without Protestants panish Catholicism is often pictured as changeless in its reactionary character, the faith of a rural people isolated from the spiritual and ideological...
Woiwode, Larry; Elie, Paul
32. ACTS OLD & NEW ACTS Larry Woiwode HarperSanFrancisco, $17, 244 pp. Paul Elie Having a favorite biblical book is like having a favorite among one's fingers or teeth: the...
Saints & Sinners
Wright, Lawrence; Walsh, Catherine
34 IT TAKES ALL KINDS SAINTS & SINNERS Lawrence Wright Alfred A. Knopf, $24, 266 pp. Catherine Walsh Six controversial religious leaders are profiled in this often fascinating book: Walker...
The Spirit of Life
Moltmann, Jürgen; Green, Garrett
A PARTIAL SPIRIT THE SPIRIT OF LIFE A Universal Affirmation J\:urgen Moltmann Fortress Press, $24.95, 358 pp. Garrell Green he original German subtitle of Jiirgen Moltmann's book promises "A...
So Far from God Ana Castillo
Stavans, Ilan
AND SO CLOSE TO THE UNITED STATES SO FAR FROM GOD Ana Castillo W.W.Norton, $19.95, 252 pp. Ilan Stavans he recent renaissance of Latino letters is led by a number of very...
The Collected Stories
McGahern, John; Shannon, Elizabeth
A CHILLING CLARITY THE COLLECTED STORIES John McGahern Alfred A. Knopf, New York, $24, 408 pp. Elizabeth Shannon 'hen John McGahern's first novel, The Barracks, was published twenty years...
For the Sake of Argument, by Christopher Hitchens
Garvey, Michael O.
39 VANITY FAIR'S ANARCHIST FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT Christopher Hitchens Verso, $27.95, 353 pp. Michael O. Gctrvey Christopher Hitchens writes prolifically for the Nation and Vanity Fair,...
Religious booknotes
Cunningham, Lawrence S.
RELIGIOUS BOOKNOTES InterVarsity Press, I dare say, is little known to the readership of this journal. It is affiliated with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship which is an evangelical...
What is bothering me
Cogley, John
11111111 What is bothering me JOHN COGLEY I'll tell you what is bothering me. How does a writer keep himself from getting such a vested interest in certain ideas that he feels called upon...
Vol. 121 Issue 002 (January 28 1994)