CORRESPONDENCE hood. It is a good thing, as far as I'm con- ing of this exchange, readers are referred Anything you can...
CONTENTS COMMONWEAL Volume CXX, Number 2 Correspondence ...
REPORT ON THE BALKANS the north where most of the monasteries are located. Serb...
community is split between accepting the cabinet representa- clash with Serbia, being only too aware of its own military weak- tion and boycotting participation in politics. Rational...
its detailed articulation. No single mem- kind of overreaching policy position of team. Christopher may not generate the ber of the security group stands out as the a Kissinger or a...
torical need: "The urgency of confuting heretics made it nec- MEDIA essary to find new words to express the ancient faith about God." Finally, he exhorted his readers to value these new...
torical need: "The urgency of confuting heretics made it nec- MEDIA essary to find new words to express the ancient faith about God." Finally, he exhorted his readers to value these new...
WHAT ARE THEY SAYING ABOUT GOD? Something fundamental ix afoot LUKE TIMOTHY JOHNSON Imost twenty years ...
BOOKS God for us or God for God? Some months back, Robert GOD FOR US arate intra-Trinitarian realm in which ...
ical implications? theologians! LaCugna's book is serious I am conscious...
porter has to do is read Reese's...
could have been treated more critical- detract from the book's tremendous value The Catechism of the ly. Reese discusses these conflicts, but he for anyone...