IssueVol. 119 Issue 019 (November 6 1992)
IssueVol. 119 Issue 020 (November 20 1992)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleCorrespondence
Virginia remembered Evanston, 111. To the Editors: Virginia Volini Marciniak's unutterably moving poem [October 23] prompts me to write. I knew her as a college student, a fellow worker...
Paid articleEditorials
Priests & sex , ertainly there is an element of sensationalism in the recent media coverage involving Catholic priests and the sexual molestation of children. Prurient interest, a staple of...
Paid articleEditor's notebook
Steinfels, Margaret 0 'Brien
AN EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK 'SAFE, LEGAL & RARE' SLOGAN OR SUBSTANCE? ome of my younger friends are charmed by the idea that this is the first presidential election in which they voted for the winner....
Paid articleCELAM & the Vatican
Steinfels, Peter
REPORT FROM SANTO DOMINGO—I CELAM & THE VATICAN PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR DICKERING uring all the goodbys, I couldn't help thinking that a lot of bishops must be wondering whether this was...
Paid articleJohn Paul cries 'wolf
Cleary, Edward L.
REPORT FROM SANTO DOMINGO—II JOHN PAUL CRIES 'WOLF' MISREADING THE PENTECOSTALS s with many of his trips, John Paul IPs visit to the Dominican Republic in October carried symbolic...
Paid articleThe other Kurdish revolt
Marcus, Aliza
REPORT FROM TURKEY THE OTHER KURDISH REVOLT ETHNIC FRACTIONALISM In the back alleys of Cizre, a downtrodden city in Turkey's Kurdish southeast, a family of about a dozen crowds into a small...
Paid articleReligion & politics
Cochran, Clarke E.
REPORT FROM THE PEW RELIGION & POLITICS HOW NOT TO MIX THEM or most of my professional and ministerial life I have argued that religion and politics are not separate, sharply divided spheres....
Paid articleMissing the point
Garvey, John
OF SEVERAL MINDS John Garvey MISSING THE POINT THE ECONOMY OF SALVATION, STUPID ake two sorts of Christian: one is a believer in the kind of theology that affirms people, a theology that...
Paid articleThe male agony:
Toolan, David
THE MALE AGONY DAVID TOOLAN ACCORDING TO WALTER J. ONG ' alter J. Ong, S.J., is a genial polymath. Where others stay within their fields, Ong cuts across them, taking cues from anthropology,...
Paid articlePoetry
Hodor, Timothy
Timothy Hodor The Meaning of the Meadow I lie in sleep Morpheus leads me down to the dead of a dream. He disappears, leaving me in a melancholy soul. Sad ghosts of death come up to my heart. 1...
Paid articleMedia
McConnell, Frank
YOUNG FOR HIS AGE THE TUBE, THE MUSIC & THE SHADOW ver the last few years, my g-g-generation has found an amazing new analgesic for the pang—and that's a serious word—of just sticking around....
Paid articleScreen
Alleva, Richard
GOODBY. COLUMBUS RIDLEY SCOTT'S'1492' erhaps it was inevitable. Making a movie about Columbus for this year of all years was bound to unnerve any filmmaker. Yet it's impossible to forgive what...
Paid articlePoetry
Kirby, Mark
Mark Kirby Autumn: Evening Tennis Taken pulling flowers, Persephone, her arms full of color, Hades carried like a torch into the underworld. Now that sunset has settled into evening, our...
Paid articleBOOKS Crossing the Postmodern Divide
Lasch, Christopher
After the foundations have crumbled o we really need another book about postmodernism? Readers already surfeited with the subject will pick up Albert Borgmann's book with a distinct...
Paid articleParents Forever
Woodward, Kenneth L.
AND OTHER LIFE SENTENCES PARENTS FOREVER You and Your Adult Children Sidney Callahan Crossroad, $19.95, 202 pp. Kenneth L. Woodward idney Callahan is often ahead of the curve. Back in...
Paid articleWhere the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs
Haegel, Nancy M.
A THIRST FOR LAND & MOTION WHERE THE BLUEBIRD SINGS TO THE LEMONADE SPRINGS Living and Writing in the West Wallace Stegner Random House, $21, 227 pp. Nancy M. Haegel It rained in coastal...
Paid articleNewman and His Age
Komonchak, Joseph A.
A GOOD PLACE TO START NEWMAN AND HIS AGE Sheridan Gilley Christian Classics, $39.95, 485 pp. Joseph A. Komonchak I was introduced to Newman some thirty-five years ago by two professors to whom I...
Paid articleReligious Booknotes
Cunningham, Lawrence S.
"theological hermeneutics" there is a genuine attempt to explain and clarify for the nonexpert. A volume like this is both a handy reference work for gaining a sense of the sweep of theological...
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