IssueVol. 119 Issue 019 (November 6 1992)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleCorrespondence
CORRESPONDENCE If R.I., why not Ala.? Auburn, Ala. To the Editors: Congratulations to David R. Carlin, Jr., and to the 300 Commonweal subscribers who propelled him to victory in the...
Paid articleEditorials
CONTENTS " MONWEAL Volume CXIX, Number 19 Correspondence 2 Editorials 3 Editor' s notebook: Paul Baumann 4 John Tracy Ellis, R.I.P.: George G. Higgins 5 Go look it up: Chris...
Paid articleEditor's notebook
Baumann, Paul
was formed and a fierce war has raged ever since. The crimes of both the government and the SPLA are legion. In particular, there is a religious war being waged against non-Muslims. In January 1992,...
Paid articleJohn Tracy Ellis, R.I.P.
Higgins, George G.
joy and suffering, of bright promise and budding hopes, yet withal of keen blasts, and cold showers, and storms." He was not discouraged, however, by this somber prospect. To the con-...
Paid articleGo look it up
Anderson, Chris
joy and suffering, of bright promise and budding hopes, yet withal of keen blasts, and cold showers, and storms." He was not discouraged, however, by this somber prospect. To the con- trary,...
Paid articleA school for the elected
McCarthy, Abigail
ly work. It won because I was immersed in the world of the equally interesting, worthy of attention, and you keep turning WorldBook and could speak in its confident rhythms. Dad and the pages,...
Paid articleThe idea of a Christian commonwealth
Cantor, Norman F.
of Spain and Portugal in the late fourteenth century----charac- teristically in the medieval world and still perhaps today--were polarized, on the one side, into a mass of artisans and small...
Paid articlePoetry
Vito, E.B. de
E.B. de Vito Make No Mistake So much for that imbroglio, that clash . Now all the brooding ashes have erupted, the sleeping volcano wakened with a monumental quake, but even with new...
Paid articleScreen
Alleva, Richard
SCREEN THREE FACES OF VINCENT PIALET'S 'VAN GOGH' he late Marvin Mudrick once wrote that "for the mass media...Poe, Van Gogh, and Toulouse- Lautrec are spectacularly visible, they are...
Paid articleStage
Weales, Gerald
ewYork's Young Playwrights' Festival is in its eleventh season and, to my discredit, I have gone to a program for the first time this year. I did try back in 1990, as a curious playgoer not as...
Paid articlePilgrim in the Ruins
Coles, Robert
BOOKS The seer of Covington wo years ago this past May Walker Percy died at home in Covington, Louisiana, his departure still an aching ab- sence for many readers who regarded his...
Paid articlePoetry
Moritz, A. F.
In Puerto Rico In 1949 Juan Ramon made this list of synonyms : god, essence, noble consciousness . you. beauty utter and complete . The thing so named. he said, lives not in its young manhood...
Paid articleVirgin Time
Elie, Paul
principles with respect to how this life ought be lived. Again and again Percy spoke with hu- mility about his intellectual life; he would remind a visitor that he had been a premed student, then...
Paid articleDoing Well and Doing Good
Weakland, Rembert G.
The perils of this kind of discontinuous interpretation are seen most clearly when Neuhaus deals with the pope's exhorta- tion to make important changes in estab- lished lifestyles. Since this...
Paid articleShakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being
McConnell, Frank
The perils of this kind of discontinuous interpretation are seen most clearly when Neuhaus deals with the pope's exhorta- tion to make important changes in estab- lished lifestyles. Since this...
Paid articleBeginning with My Streets/Provinces: Poems 1987-1991/The Collected Poems 1931-1987
Keen, Suzanne
Hughes, again--unlike most academ- ic critics--is a working writer, and the THE POET'S GEOGRAPHY toughness of that role also informs his read- ing. The "tragic equation"--a phrase he uses maybe...
Paid articleA Far Glory
Wuthnow, Robert
Tarot cards to televangelism tells us that). BERGER'S PROGRESS But it does foster superficiality--or at least the proverbial fear of inauthenticity. We wonder if our convictions are real....
Paid articleHoly Siege
Cort, John C.
career he forged a synthesis of Weberian sociology and Heideggerian phenomen- ology (h la Alfred Schutz) that has pro- vided continuing inspiration for his own work and that of an entire generation...
Paid articleLive from Golgotha
Malin, Irving
ly irritated the rich Catholics to whom the Vatican was appealing for financial aid, though these have now been profoundly pleased by John Paul's 1991 encyclical, Centesimus annus. They must...
Paid articleReligious Booknotes
Cunningham, Lawrence S.
few months ago I was a guest "expert" on a radio-talk show in Washington, D.C. The topic was weeping statues reported in churches in Virginia. These reports were all the more...
IssueVol. 119 Issue 020 (November 20 1992)
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