CORRESPONDENCE Carrying on Brooklyn, N.Y. To the Editors: Tom Vogel Jr.'s article on Peru [January 25] leaves the unfortunate and mistaken impression that upon the violent murder of Mother...
CONTENTS Volume CXVIII, Number 5 Correspondence 146 Editorials 147 A no-hands-tied war: Patrick Jordan 148 Limits of the just war: Paul Baumann 149 East meets West: David R. Carlin, Jr....
rapidly reduced to their prewar numbers. Enforceable agreements on reducing the levels of offensive weaponry are vital in a region torn by conflict. Here the UN Security Council can have a...
ably never will learn of it all. The conduct of the war has rendered the initial UN terms of engagement null. We have made waste of Iraq to save Kuwait. And the overriding concern has become only...
ambiguous moral choices. What if, for example, we "won" the cold war, defeating Soviet totalitarianism and helping to liberate Eastern Europe, because of our nuclear belligerence? How does the...
WHY THEOLOGY IS HARD TO READ AND WHY YOU SHOULD DO IT ANYWAY ROBERT J. EGAN n old friend of mine complains that although she used to be an avid reader of good theology, she no longer reads...
the centrality of "the eschatological" and "the messianic" in the early Christian movement, and the integration of the mystical and the prophetic which these categories require. We have created a...
UNDERSTANDING I _T.qM: AN INTRODUCTION The Prophet and his children DAVID BURRELL & PATRICK D. GAFFNEY he students who take our courses in classical or contemporary Islam invariably give as...
BOOKS The sacred necessity his is a collection of twentyfour essays and addresses, ten p u b l i s h e d here in English for the first time, by the eminent Polish philosopher, Leszek...
Called Crisis of Christianity"), he looks to those who have faith to reinspire Western culture. Most of the essays are fairly easy to read and sparkle with wit. The most humorous is a satire...
y shelves groan with histories of Christianity, including some that include a good deal of visual art and illustrations (e.g., Geoffrey Barraclough's The Worm of Christianity, Bamber...