IssueVol. 117 Issue 019 (November 9 1990)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleCorrespondence
CORRESPONDENCE Sinful vow? Shelbume, Vt. To the Editors: The real paradox for me in Paul Dinter's stunning commentary on priestly celibacy [October 12] is how the vow can do so much to harm and...
Paid articleEditorials
EDITORIAL Body politics Is a bullwhip or forearm up a man's rectum or a finger inserted in a penis a legitimate subject for public art? If some say it is, can offended communities still proscribe...
Paid articleRobin Hood's merry plan
Hoyt, Michael; Schoonmaker, Mary Ellen
ROBIN HOOD'S MERRY PLAN EDUCATING THE GARDEN STATE Here is a story about the tax revolt that's sup-posedly blowing across New Jersey like a sand storm. The protagonist is John Budzash, the postal...
Paid articleLost in transition
Dufresne, Bethe
LOST IN TRANSITION LITERATURE AFTER CENSORSHIP Ever since glasnost and perestroika rid Soviet writers of a dependable as well as inspirational enemy-political repression-there has been talk that...
Paid articleA father's death
Corbett, Jennifer
A FATHER'S DEATH CHISELING AWAY NORMAL ASSUMPTIONS My father, James A. Corbett, died October 20, 1989 of pneumonia secondary to Alzheimer's disease. He was eighty-one. He had retired from the...
Paid articlePoetry
Houston, Beth
Beth Houston Dad 1 see him only as the darkness taking a long drag on the end of another summer day, the glow of a cigarette among other cigarettes at the end of the driveway, among the slow red...
Paid articleHoly ground
HOLY GROUND MARTYRS THEN & NOW I happened to be looking through last year's diary recently, flipping through to see what 1989 had brought me. As I look back now I suppose I will remember 1989 as...
Paid articleMary Abigail McCarthy
McCarthy, Abigail
Abigail McCarthy NARY ABIGAIL McCARTHY 'BLESSED IS SHE THAT CONSIDERETH THE NEEDY' must thank Keith Burris (Commonweal, October 12) for writing about what I have felt I could not-the life and...
Paid articleHold that line
Carlin, David R. Jr.
HOLD THAT LINE HUSSEIN'S TANKS, HANNIBAL'S ELEPHANTS How odd that the United States, despite having just prevailed in a Fabian struggle that lasted more than forty years, should be contemplating a...
Paid articleThe book of B
Miles, Jack
THE BOOK OF B BLOOM, BATHSHEBA & THE BOOK Harold Bloom has a lot of nerve, but then again he may not have nerve enough. The Book of J, Bloom's commentary on David Rosenberg's punning, experimental...
Paid articleThe way things are
Elie, Paul
THE WAY THINGS ARE RICHARD BAUSCH'S UNADORNED WORLD "Sitting in the shaded cool quiet of St. Paul's Church in Flagstaff, Walter remembers a family picnic." So begins Richard Bausch's story "All...
Paid articleThe laughing cemetery
Butt, William
THE LAUGHING CEMETERY A JOURNEY TO ROMANIA May 13, Sunday. We are going to Romania. Our friends here in Canada ask why. Why On earth Romania? Because it's open right now to visitors, for who knows...
Paid articlePoetry
Nixon, John Jr.; Overton, Ron; Blumenthal, Jay A.
John Nixon, Jr. Young Tory Much transatlantic visiting And always in the belter castlesThanks to Sir Walter Scott, Dumas, And other literary snobsMade bearable my otherwise Quite Spartan...
Paid articleScreen
Alleva, Richard
SCREEN AT THE EDGES 'POSTCARDS' & TALL GUY' Postcards from the Edge: "When he thinks, he's a child," Goethe said of Byron. Just the opposite is true of the somewhat less titanic but equally...
Paid articleStage
Weales, Gerald
STAGE CREATURES ALL 'SPECIES' & 'MOSES' Martha Clarke's Endangered Species begins when one member of the company crawls diagonally across the large stage at BAM's Majestic Theater (the patented...
Paid articleIn Mysterious Ways
IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS The Death and Life of a Parish Priest Paul Wilkes Random House, $19.95,234 pp. By writing well about one person in very particular circumstances, Paul Wilkes has said something...
Paid articleThe Civil Rights Era/The Closest of Strangers
Siegel, Fred
THE CIVIL RIGHTS ERA Origins and Development of National Policy-1960-1972 Hugh Davis Graham Oxford, $29.95,578 pp. THE CLOSEST OF STRANGERS Liberalism and the Politics of Race in New York Jim...
Paid articleThe Burning Season/The World Is Burning
Page, Joseph A.
THE BURNING SEASON The Murder of Chico Mendes and the Fight for the Amazon Rain Forest Andrew Revkin Houghton Mifflin, $19.95, 317 pp. THE WORLD IS BURNING Murder in the Rain Forest Alex...
Paid articleThe General in His Labyrinth
Siegel, Lee
THE BURNING SEASON The Murder of Chico Mendes and the Fight for the Amazon Rain Forest Andrew Revkin Houghton Mifflin, $19.95, 317 pp. THE WORLD IS BURNING Murder in the Rain Forest Alex...
Paid articleMaking Saints
Zahn, Gordon C.
MAKING SAINTS How the Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes a Saint, Who Doesn't, and Why Kenneth L. Woodward Simon and Schuster, $21.95,483 pp. Garden C. Zahn Canonization is a notoriously...
Paid articleCarnal Knowing
Ellsberg, Peggy R.
CARNAL KNOWING Female Nakedness and Religious Meaning in the Christian West Margaret R. Miles Beacon Press, $24.95, 250 pp. Peggy R. Ellsberg There is a sixth-century record of a Palestinian...
Paid articleMemories of My Life in a Polish Village
Reimer, Jack
MEMORIES OF MY LIFE IN A POLISH VILLAGE, by Toby Knobel Fluek, Alfred A. Knopf, $19.95,110 pp., illustrated. I am not a great expert on art but I can tell you that this is a very special book. It...
IssueVol. 117 Issue 020 (November 23 1990)
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