CORRESPONDENCE From prison, with thanks Muncy, Pa. To the Editors: If I were to try to memorialize the content and impact of Commonweal journalism, I would find myself at a loss for adequate...
Straight talk The president won't be needing a speech writer, thank you. Not in Czechoslovakia, anyway. Vaclav Havel has been called to serve as interim president until elections this spring. A...
REPORT FROM BEIT SAHOUR TAX STRIKE FOR JUSTICE BUILDING AUTONOMY All was not calm and bright in the shepherds' fields of Bethlehem this Christmas. The fields surround Beit Sahour, a Palestinian...
OF SEVERAL MINDS Abigail McCarthy ORPHANS NEED HONES BRING BACK THE ORPHANAGE Pia McKay teaches at a community college and volunteers in her spare time to help with the "boarder babies" at...
OF SEVERAL WINDS John Garvey WOMEN'S ORDINATION ANOTHER GO AT THE ARGUMENTS The issue of the ordination of women is one which will not go away, and shouldn't. I know from previous experience that...
THE SACRAMENT OF CREATION TOWARD AN ENVIRONMENTAL THEOLOGY MICHAEL J. HIMES & KENNETH R. HIMES Something is in the air. Or is it in the water? A sense of ecological crisis looms over our planet....
RATZINGER'S 'NATURE' ISN'T NATURAL AQUINAS, CONTRACEPTION & STATISTICS SEBASTIAN MOORE Christianity was born of a revelatory explosion of the infinite within the heart of the finite, and it has...
STAGE LIFE AFTER FILM 'GRAND HOTEL' & 'ST. LOUIS' When Shenandoah was revived last sum mer, I saw the Gary Geld musical for the first time and spent the evening won dering why anyone...
SCREEN DEVILISH DUOS 'SHE-DEVIL,"ROSES' & 'BLAZE' She-Devil starts poorly. Roseanne Barr and Meryl Streep are both involved with the same man (Ed Begley, Jr.), but rarely with each other....
BOOKS Homosexual priests & nuns: two assessments In no area is the humanity of the Catholic church-or its kinship with all other earthly institutions-more evident than in its attitudes toward...
RELIGIOUS BOOKNOTES This hefty volume of Luther's theological writings is one of those valuable books which every theologian and/or theological student should welcome. The editor had a clear idea...