CORRESPONDENCE Striking Fox Issaquah, Wash. To the Editors: Were you testing your readers when you published John Gar-vey's little throwaway piece on Matthew Fox in the November 18 issue? I admit...
EDITORIALS War of the words Make no mistake about it, God has been blasphemed in the Salman Rushdie affair, and the Ayatollah Khomeini has done it. It is not for us to decide whether Islam, its...
WHEN THE SPIRIT LEADS BARBARA HARRIS, BISHOP A day or two before the consecration of Bar-bara Clementine Harris as suffragan bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Mas-sachusetts, Cardinal Bernard Law...
ONE OF THE FAMILY ERIC THE UNFORGETTABLE His papers read Aran of Innisfallen or something equally impressive, but we decided at once that "Aran!" shouted from the doorstep would be mistaken for...
FIT FOR THE CABINET? PERSONAL CONDUCT & PUBLIC'LIFE Poor John Tower. As I write this he is still twisting in the wind, ac-cused of too much cozi-ness with defense con-tractors, too much boozing,...
A REPUBLIC OF COUCH POTATOES THE MEDIA SHRIVEL THE ELECTORATE WILSON CAREY McWILLIAMS The election of 1988 sent an urgent signal that something is wrong with the political soul of American...
A LEAP IN THE LIGHT FAITH, SCIENCE, & THE IMAGINATION I gave a test last week. One of the true-false items was: "Faith is a blind leap in the dark." Of forty-five high school seniors, most of them...
James Cole The Scholar in the Hospital Strangely he seems at home, a book on the nightstand like a wing. Blood and urine ate taken first. What he "thinks" is politely disregarded-, but disease...
SEDUCTION WITH VENGEANCE FREARS'S 'DANGEROUS LIAISONS' Dangerous Liaisons is a colorfully costumed, beautifully designed production. It features another strong acting performance by Glenn Close as...
RELIGIOUS BOOK WEEK CRITICS'CHOICES Virginia Sloyan Just as the classic Dear Theo, edited by Irving Stone, assumes the form of an auto-biography of Vincent Van Gogh (it is, in fact, so...