CORRESPONDENCE Vexing questions Hyattsville, Md. , To the Editors: I found the Himes brothers' article ["The Myth of Self-interest," September 23] very interesting reading. As an English graduate...
Thrifts on the slide Forget the cozy picture of Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed in It's a Wonderful Life. Forget their struggle against Lionel Barrymore, the greedy banker, to build up their community...
THE NEW CONGRESS FIGHTING OR FRIENDLY? DEFICITS & SOCIAL PROGRAMS The 101st Congress that convenes this month could prove to be one of the most fractious of recent years. It must attempt to deal...
OF SEVERAL MINDS Abigail McCarthy HANDLING THE HANDLERS A PROPOSAL FOR CAMPAIGN REFORM It is January-traditionally the time for resolutions and new beginnings. But we are sated by the indulgence...
OF SEVERAL MINDS David R. Carlin, Jr. THE FAILURE OF SUCCESS POLITICS & THE TRUE SELF Life, as everyone knows, takes strange twists and turns. Years ago I set out to become a scholar and...
THIS NAN HAS EXPIRED' WITNESS TO AN EXECUTION ROBERT JOHNSON The death penalty has made a comeback in recent years. In the late sixties and through most of the seventies, such a thing seemed...
William Pitt Root With No Other Witness for Yannis Ritsos "before any charge of atrocity will warrant investigation, there must be a second witness." Amnesty International In Greece I met a...
WHAT LIBERALS HAVEN'T LEARNED & WHY FRED SIEGEL THE ELECTION THAT TURNED SOUR Just a short six months ago it looked as though the L-word, the politics that dare not speak its name, was back....
SCREEN IN THE LINE OF FIRE 'MISSISSIPPI' & TALK RADIO' Mississippi Burning starts With a spooky, terrifying sequence: three young civil rights workers disappear one summer night in 1964. The...
STAGE COUNTING LOSSES MILNER'S 'CHECKMATES' Don Milner's Checkmates seems too bland a play to have caused controversy, but it stirred up a tiny tempest when it first opened in August-one that...
BOOKS A hawk with an olive branch At long last there is movement toward the start of a begin-ning of preliminary negotiations that may have a chance of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. Recent...