Correspondence I I Prism shattering Washington, D.C. To the Editors: Himes and Himes ["Rights, Economics, & the Trinity," March 14] are on the verge of articulating an authentic liberation...
I I Contents III I II Volume CXIII, Number 8 Correspondence 226 Editorials 227 Attention & ambiguity: John Garvey 230 I HI Abortion & the sexual agenda: Sidney CaUahan 232 Vietnam's...
Of several minds: John Garvey ATTENTION & AMBIGUITY WHY DO OTHERS DISAGREE? T HE QUARRELS between religious liberals and conservatives are everywhere, and satisfy something strange in us....
t ,e SIDNEY CALLAHAN I A CASE FOR PRO-LIFE FEMINISM Abortion & the sexual agenda T HE ABORTION DEBATE continues. In the latest and perhaps most crucial development, pro-life feminists are...
REFUGEES IN A WAR THAT WOH~ END Vietnam's Amel:ican children JOSEPH CERQUONE y OUR FACE is young. It is being peered at by strangers who are searching for "American" features. You have to tell...
already too late to wipe away the record of half-hearted treatment Amerasians have suffered for so long. This is why the most haunting question that surrounds the issue is not: "When will...
immigrants in French society, Lustiger (like nearly all French bishops) stands closer, to the political left than to the right. Certainly the far right -- the Lepenistes (followers of Le Pen) and...
insulting his wife, rough-housing with his older son, teasing his unresponsive younger one. He is also prone to ulcers and uncertainty, and to sudden indications of the love he has for all of...
Wittgenstein -- exactly the kind of people one could scarcely read without becoming disabused of the very notions Professor Miles is out to combat. It's a tangle: just enough theory-and-method...
close modified the realism considerably. In Life Before Man (1980), Atwood experimented even more: the novel has three narrators, one a man, and begins with a suicide, moving the focus...