Correspondence III IIHI King & the FBI Atlanta, Ga. To the Editors: Lawrence Hogan's comparison of Lech Walesa and Martin Luther King, Jr. (Dec. 16, 1983) provided interesting insight...
Contents Volume CXI, Number 6 Correspondence 162 Editorials 163 By way of farewell: James O'Gara 165 Facing the facts: Abigail McCarthy 167 The bishops & the politics of abortion: Mary Meehan...
proach cuts across so many existing ideological preconcep_9 . . l . taons, ~t promises to keep at least pro-hfe Cathohcs from a dangerous self-righteousness. Finally, it is ironic that...
to the world, of saving the world in its totality, of serving it in history, here and now. The church has problems since Vatican II, but nothing to compare with what problems there would have...
I I HOW SOIIHD IS THEIR AIITI.ABORTIOll STRATEGY.'? The bishops & the politics of abortion MARY MEEHAN T HE POPULAR NOTION of Catholic bishops as clever politicians is taking something of a...
where legislatures voluntarily fund abortion. Speaking of his 1984 reelection campaign, which is expected to be very difficult, he has said, " I f I have to come on home on the principle of the...
Going.... From Commonweal forty years ago- "Again and again we have protested against the change in our bombing policy. When the war started, the bombing of open cities, the massacre of...
ANTI-ABORTION STRATEGY, A SECOND RESPONSE 'Neither incompetent nor indifferent' DAVID N. O'STEEN F OR THE PAST nine years as the non-Catholic executive director of one of the nation's oldest...
Rose says to Tina, "No matter what anyone says, I know I'll never be a Cary Grant." A funny line coming from Woody Allen, but Rose's soul we're made to believe is as beautiful as Grant's...
ing life plans and procreative choices. Indeed the oft-repeated phrase "life plan" created echoes in my mind of something most befitting a briefcasetoting MBA pursuing a well-mapped career....