Correspondence Defining life, yes Mt. Ranier, Md. To the Editors: John Garvey's reasoning in a recent article that Congress should not define when human life and/or per-sonhood begins with...
CAN LABOR COMEBACK? IT WAS A very fitting gesture for Poland's independent trade union to invite Lane Kirkland, president of the AFL-CIO, to attend the opening of Solidarity's first national...
"A BORTION ITSELF WAS COndoned as late as the nineteenth century by the Catholic church, using a time clock of the "ensoulment' of the fetus." Linda Bird Francke makes this statement in her...
THE MORAL FALLACY NUCLEAR WAR MAKES OUR DIFFERENCES PALE Be England what she will. With all her faults she is my country still "The Farewell" Charles Churchill (1731-1764) THE OTHER DAY - it was...
How to combat world famine Whatever happened to the Green Revolution- and what we should do about it now SUDHIR SEN LAST JANUARY THE much-esteemed Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved the...
Cracks in the Masonry ERIC R. TERZUOLO "MEN OF INTELLIGENCE, culture, wisdom, and, above all generosity, with a moral and intellec-tual drive to work solely for the good of mankind. . . ." Thus...
Screen POET IN RESIDENCE THE THEATRICAL & THE PERSONAL THE SENTIMENTAL favorite this summer is a film called Stevie, about the poet Stevie Smith. Nothing could seem less likely to succeed in...
Stage FLAWED & FASCINATING THREE NEW PLAYS THE FAMILY PLAY HAS been steadily reasserting its primacy in American drama. Two recent examples that have attracted a great deal of attention - both...
Jesus Christ the stumbling block DONALD SENIOR CONTEMPORARY CHRISTOLOGIES: A Jewish Response (Paulist Press, $7.95, 203 pp). is just what its title claims: a thoughtful, spirited Jewish response...
THE ISSA VALLEY Books: BOYHOOD'S SOMBER BLESSEDNESS CZESLAW MILOSZ, the Berkeley profes-sor and 1980 Nobel Prize Winner in Literature, writes in Polish and considers himself primarily a Polish...
FATHER'S DAT Eugene Kennedy Doubleday, $13.95, 488 pp. Paul Connolly IS IT yourself knows the meaning of "baloney"? The common notion is that it's a corruption of bologna. But I have it from me...
THE GNOSTIC DIALOGUE. THE EARLY CHURCH AND THE CRISIS OF GNOSTICISM. By Pheme Perkins. Paulist Press, $6.95, 250 pp. In the wake of the publication of an English translation of the ancient Gnostic...