IssueVol. 108 Issue 003 (February 13 1981)
IssueVol. 108 Issue 004 (February 27 1981)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleCorrespondence
Correspondence Gas tax attacks St. Louis, Mo. To the Editors: That an exorbitant tax at the gas pump could be made to trickle back to you-know-whom and thus make everything "even Steven" is pure...
Paid articleEditorials
Editorials SOFT PATH TO THE FUTURE? WITH most of the major oil companies already raising their prices twice the level the Reagan administration had foreseen before the president's January 28...
Paid articleSigns of war
Powers, Thomas
Of several minds: Thomas Powers SIGNS OF WAR IS IT TIME TO MOVE TO NEW ZEALAND? I MET a woman, some years ago, who had a number tattooed on her forearm She served coffee in her living room on a...
Paid articleDead or alive
Garvey, John
Of several minds: John Garvey DEAD OR ALIVE WHAT THE FAMOUS MEAN TO US THE MURDER of John Lennon was terrible, for reasons which are obvious, but the reaction to his death was eerily unrelated to...
Paid articleLetter to a student
Dunne, George H.
Letter to a student GEORGE H. DUNNE DEAR WALLY, At long last I shall attempt to reply to the questions you put to me many months ago. I think you understand that the long delay was the consequence...
Paid articleThe other Cape Town
Williams, Roger M.
The other Cape Town ROGER M. WILLIAMS CAPE TOWN may well be the world's most beautiful city and, if you're white and well-off, the most pleasant as well. To an American, it is San Francisco plus:...
Paid articleWhose news?
Ellner, Steve
WHOSE NEWS? THE THIRD WORLD IS DIVIDED For several years Western industrial nations have been clashing with third-world representatives over a proposed "New International Information Order"...
Paid articleScreen
Westerbeck, Colin L. Jr.
Screen FILM ON HORSEBACK ABEL GANCE'S SELF-MADE DICTATOR IN APRIL, 1927, Abel Gance's Napoleon opened amidst great tumult at the Theatre National de l'Opera in Paris. (One young army careerist...
Paid articleRecordings
Henry, Derrick
Recordings LISTENING & DANCING RECREATING RENAISSANCE MUSIC I arrived HOME exhausted, in want of some light yet invigorating entertainment. Renaissance dance music seemed just the thing. And so I...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Loewe, William P.
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES William P. Loewe IF THE ATTENTIONS paid them by the Vatican a little over a year ago attached an aura of sensationalism to the works of Hans Kung and Edward...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Marty, Martin E.
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES Martin E. Marty As A fiercely monogamous contentedly heterosexual modern church historian who lacks a crusading spirit, I have good reason to avoid a history...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Cunneen, Sally
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES Sally Cunneen THE "RELIGIOUS" writers I find most useful these days are not so much the scholarly or the pious as those who are making strenuous efforts to...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Higgins, George G.
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES George G. Higgins MERTON: A BIOGRAPHY. Monica Furlong. Harper and Row. $12.95, 342 pp. For many years one had the impression that Thomas Merton's life as a...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Perkins, Pheme
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES Pheme Perkins THE TASK and joy of the theological enterprise is to render faith articulate so that the believer finds speech that addresses the perplexities...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Pawlikowski, John T.
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES John T. Pawlikowski SEVERAL SIGNIFICANT new contributions have been added to the ongoing Christian-Jewish dialogue in the past year. The difficult subject of...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Swidler, Arlene
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES Arlene Swidler AN EXCELLENT Catholic contribution to Holocaust studies is John F. Morley's Vatican Diplomacy and the Jews During the Holocaust, 1939-1943...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Dolan, Jay P.
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES Jay P. Dolan ONE OF THE spiritual giants of our generation was Thomas Merton. Not surprisingly his life and work still remain in the foreground and it is not...
Paid articleReligious Book Week Critics' Choices
Massey, Marilyn Chapin
Religious Book Week: CRITICS' CHOICES Marilyn Chapin Massey AS AN HISTORIAN of Christianity by trade, I am always grateful for books that provide new perspectives on the past. Since a great deal...
Paid articleVerse
Christman, Berniece Bunn; Miller, James A.; Petrie, Paul
James A. Miller Memoriam, Jesse Owens We are all, somehow, lesser for it. The slow run moving from the blistering pace . . . till world was record; its fastest human. Singlyif but by...
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