Correspondence Was JFK Catholic? Newport, R.I. To the Editors: I have just finished reading Ed Marciniak's review of Second Spring by Charles A. Fracchia [Aug. 28 ]. Mr. Marciniak's statement...
ABORTION: A SEVERE TESTING "ABORTION," writes theologian Richard A. McCormick, S. J., " is a matter that is morally problematic, pastorally delicate, legislatively thorny, onstitutionally insecure,...
FROM ABORTION REFORM TO ABORTION REPEAL The trauma of abortion politics RAYMOND TATALOVICH & BYRON W. DAYNES FOR ALMOST two decades, abortion has persisted on the political agenda. The Supreme...
TIME TO MOVE BEYOND AGONIZING Catholic liberals & abortion MARY MEEHAN CERTAINLY PEOPLE should agonize over the abortion issue, but many Catholic liberals have agonized for years to no avail....
IS IT POSSIBLE that the abortion struggle is really one between two left-of-center groups? The very idea clashes with all our images of pro-life and pro-choice opposition, with all the impressions...
INTERVIEWS WITH RIGHT-TO-LIFE PIONEERS Beyond the stereotypes JAMES R. KELLY RIGHT-TO-LIFE ACTIVISTS are commonly characterized as sectarian, morally naive, politically conservative, and best...
THE LIFE LINE LIFE, NOT CHOICE, IS THE ISSUE IN Catholics and American Politics, Mary Hanna con-cludes that the abortion issue is merely the " tip of an iceberg of issues," the "iceberg"...
CAN LIBERAL CATHOLICISM MAKE A DISTINCT CONTRIBUTION? The search for an alternative PETER STEINFELS IT IS HARD to tell whether the present impasse over abortion will be lasting. At the moment...
Screen MYSTERY OF ANTONIONI STILL ON THE EDGE 1960 WAS an annus mirabilis for the movies. The New Wave continued to build in France, Godard and Truf-faut both following their extraordinary debuts...
Books: PHILOSOPHERS VS. THE FAMILY THE FAMILY ON TRIAL SPECIAL RELATIONSHIPS IN MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT Philip Abbott Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, $16.75, 230 pp. Jean Bethke Elshtain THIS...
Undoing Christian feminism MAN AND WOMAN IN CHRIST THE ROLES OF MEN AND WOMEN IN SCRIPTURE AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Stephen B. Clark Servant Books, $15.95, 753 pp. Sidney Callahan HERE is a...