commonweal WHO'S DISTURBING THE FAITHFUL? ONCE AGAIN the institutional church and its intellectuals are on a collision course. It is an ironic moment for such a conflict. Theological thought...
KUNG. SCHILLEBEECKX, & TRUE OBEDIENCE The responsibility of theologians BERNARD J. COOKE VATICAN II has left us a number of guidelines, none clearer than that all members of the church bear...
QUESTIONS STILL NOT ANSWERED Lord Acton, power, & papal infallibility JOHN GARVEY The human element in ecclesiastical administration endeavors to keep itself out of sight, and to deny...
A STATEMENT WITH SIX RESPONSES Is the church an idol? CHARLES DAVIS IN Freedom For Ministry (Harper & Row, $8.95), Richard Neuhaus has written a worthy book of advice and exhortation to...
John L. McKenzie 'A RELIGIOUS COP-OUT?' THE LAST TIME I engaged in a discussion with Charles Davis 2600 people paid admission to the ballroom of the Palmer House in Chicago where seats had...
Screen HARD ACT TO FOLLOW KLAUS KINSKI: UP FOR THE COUNT I HAVE JUST returned from the voting meeting of the National Society of Film Critics, where Breaking Away won the award for Best Film of...
Books: TWO VISIONS OF MORAL THEOLOGY Since Vatican II there has been a flood of articles delineating the renewal of Catholic moral theology, and an even greater number of articles and...
Moral education, moral mechanics TIE TASTE FOR THE OTHER Gilbert Meilaender Eerdmans, $6.95, paper, 245 pp. COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS ETHICS David Little and Sumner B. Twiss Harper & Row, $10.95,...
We are all pagans becoming Christians BEYOND ODB TBIBAL GODS: THE MATURING OF FAITH Ronald Marstin Orbis, $5.95 paper, 150 pp. Eugene Hillmcm When ronald marstin was a doctoral candidate...
In brief Our Life in Gods Light, Essays by Hugh T. Kerr; edited by John M. Mul der; Westminster, 352pp.;$12.50cloth $7.95 paperback. When Theology Today was launchei in 1944, it was designed...