NEWS & VIEWS RehabiRtating Vietnam In the popular mind, the rehabilitation of Vietnam is associated with the rebuilding of small villages, transportation of folks back to the farm,...
CORRESPONDHCE Beyond N o s t a l g | a Chicago, IU. To the Editors: Michael Novak takes quick exception to Garry Wills' attacks on Catholic liberals [Feb. 9], but one hears a plaintive...
should be based not .only on financial considerations but also on sober evaluation of the best possible way to achieve Christian education' for adults and children alike. With that much said, we...
It does not take a particularly keen observer of secular and religious culture to note the change in atmosphere which has recently taken place in those realms. I would characterize it as the...
AMERICAN CATHOLICISM i n 'an u n c e r t a i n , anxiou t i m e ' IOHN TRACY ELLIS I n February, 1557, William van der Lind.t, a fiery Catholic apologist, sent some of his writings to Saint...
ii II TAX CREDITS AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS THOMAS R. MULLANEY No less than twenty-two tax-credit bills were introduced in the new Congress In 1964, John Cardinal Cody of Chicago spoke,...
of church property from the payment of property taxes. Therefore, a precedent already exists in the tax codes for indirect governmental support of religion. The feature providing tax credits with...