NEWS& VIEWS Memphis Pastoral Bishop Carroll T. Dozier of Memphis, whose pastoral letter last December 00 peace attracted wide attention, marked that letter's anniversary with an only...
CORRESPONDENCE Marriage & Morality New Rochelle, N.Y. To the Editors: For Christians and nonChristians alike, Dr. Fontinell has delicately posed the question of whether the...
PEACE NOW "Peace is at hand," Henry Kissinger said late in October, shortly before the Presidential election. Two months later the harbors of North Vietnam are again being mined and tons of high...
PUBLIC HOUSING IN TROUBLE NO ROOM FOR THE POOR St. Louis, Mo. Public housing, the one program that comes close to accommodating America's very, very poor, is in trouble. In St. Louis, the...
WHICH WAY THE LRA? DENNIS CLARK Terrorism is a long-standing feature oi Irish conflict It is difficult for Americans to understand the agony of Northern Ireland. The tangle of terror and...
RETURN OF THE P.O.W. BERNARD SKLAR From prisoners of war to prisoners of state In what looks like a matter of weeks or months, depending on how the Paris negotiations fare, we will be seeing...
THE SCREEN Although I doubt that either one of them would appreciate the comparison, Andy Warhol and Jean-Luc Godard have a certain something in common. Both have reputations as the...
THE USES OF THE PAST JOHN RATTE Revolution JOHN M. TODD Doubleday, $7.95 Europe: Mother of Revolution* FRIEDRICH HEER Praeger, $12.50 Our notion of the meaning of the past alters with...
BOOKS Marriage, open and otherwise Open Marriage NENA & GEORGE O'NEILL M. Evans & Co, $6,95 Marriage Is Hell KATHRYN PERUTZ William Morrow, $5.95 Eve's New Rib ROBERT T....