CORRESPONDENCE Banning Guns APO New York To the Editors: As a "sportsman" I take exception to your editorial, "Wallace and Guns," in Commonweal for June 2. The statistics of murder don't...
Ferkiss' sober-sided self-delusion. Despite Ferkiss' many "despites" the ecological movement is not the least bit radical. Any political movement that seeks to reclaim a pre-existing...
This reaction from the Priests' Councils is a strong one, and in our view Pope Paul and the American bishops would be well advised to take it most seriously. If the findings of Father Andrew...
CATHOLICS AND GEORGE McGOVERN Catholics and, not leas't, Catholic college students---have a special responsibility in 1972. Already, President Nixon has made it perfectly clear (as the Wall...
EUCHARISTIC CONSENSUS? AVERY DULLES The recent Anglican]Roman Catholic statement on the Eucharist is only one in a long line of consensus statements. Meeting at Windsor in England in the...
remarked that Roman Catholic theology is now in a state of flux regarding the cultus of the Blessed Sacrament, and may therefore welcome the moratorium provided by Windsor. As a theological...
notwithstanding some theological conjecture to its theoretical possibility or its feasibility in extremis. The reception of the Eucharist from one in whom Catholics do recognize the same...
ant campaign manager has to talk him into running and then lead him by the nose to victory, we can assume that, left to himself, McKay is probably a complete nincompoop. When his shallow,...