NEWS & VIEWS Ehrlich vs. Commoner Science magazine, weekly journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and on top of so many things these days (e.g., the...
CORRESPONDENCE The Amish Case Livonia, Mich. To the Editors: May I point out that your article "Catholics and the Amish" [June 16] lacks familiarity with the background of the case. The...
CORRESPONDENCE The Amish Case Livonia, Mich. To the Editors: May I point out that your article "Catholics and the Amish" [June 16] lacks familiarity with the background of the case. The...
[July 28] that in Eagleton's case the possibility of relapse was too great to risk Eagleton in the Presidency. Nor was this the time to wage a five-month national campaign to educate an...
H ISTORICAL ANALOGIES, a tricky game at any time, has been played with even less imagination than usual in recent weeks. Virtually the only comparison that commentators on Senator McGovern's...
THE FREEDOM TO DIE DANIEL MAGUIRE By working creatively, and in ways as yet unthought of, the lobby of the dying and the gravely ill could become a healing force in society Of old when men...
CRACKS IN THE BURGER COURT ISIDORE SILVER There were some interesting variations in the last session, which may augur for a mutingnthough not a dissolution--of the conservative majority's...
First Amendment issues, although he remains a conservative on most criminal justice questions. White, following his own Constitutional star, although more conservative on free speech,...
nouneed at the trial of the fellow we know to be innocent, a courtroom door swings shut and cuts off the sound of the jury foreman's voice. Hitchcock has stationed both his camera and his...
T HIS is the forty-first anniversary of a social document which had the impact of a manifesto in its time. When remembered today, I'll Take My Stand is often enough seen as a quaint relic of...
to convince him that the physical world is still there. The patient is made to touch the wet and the dry, the smooth and the rough, the brittle and the flexible and to build upon these...