NEWS & VIEWS S e l e c t i v e P i e t y Richard Nixon's White House frequently takes on the character of an interfaith chapel, what with people like Billy Graham and Cardinal Cooke forever...
CORRESPONDENCE Hegemony o r Harmony? Notre Dame, Indiana To the Editors: While appreciating Ft. Kilian McDonnell's article on Catholic Charismatics in your issue of May 5, 1972, may I make...
CORRESPONDENCE Hegemony o r Harmony? Notre Dame, Indiana To the Editors: While appreciating Ft. Kilian McDonnell's article on Catholic Charismatics in your issue of May 5, 1972, may I make...
seem too far-fetched. Disclosures since the Lavelle case indicate that the Air Force regularly planned and carried out massive attacks on North Vietnam under the guise of "protective reaction" as...
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Anglicans Opt For t h e S t a t u x Quo In the aftermath of the vote on Anglican-Methodist reunion on May 3 there must be a number of honorable contenders for the...
T HE MEN at Engine 62-Ladder 32 firehouse in the Bronx were disturbed by what they saw in the paper the other day. Maybe you saw it, too: a picture of five terrified children, one of them...
As much i] not more than any other single American, Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J., has been instrumental in shaping attitudes in the United States with respect to the Vietnam war. His writings...
i FROM COUNTER-CULTURE TO ANTI-CULTURE DONALD P. COSTELLO Three films have themselves become cultural events Three films circumscribe the counter-culture of the last decade. These three films...
communicate even with one another, except by slashes and blows. Expanded consciousness has not resulted in humanly value-laden sights and sensations. On the contrary. In Kubrick's film the...