NEWS & VIEWS Some Misty Thoughts The shifting of gears in Ireland that comes with the takeover of Ulster by the British presents an opportunity for some random thoughts. l ) - - T h e...
CORRESPONDENCE Feminist E t h i c i a n s Brooklyn, N.Y. To the Editors: Peter Steinfels' twopart analysis of some current claims for the "feminist ethic" [Feb. 18, Mar. 3] is the type of...
CORRESPONDENCE Feminist E t h i c i a n s Brooklyn, N.Y. To the Editors: Peter Steinfels' twopart analysis of some current claims for the "feminist ethic" [Feb. 18, Mar. 3] is the type of...
dropping his name; after pubhozmg the tunnel-bombing and kidnapping gambit it changed the indictment to include old draft board vandalism the defendants had already taken responsibility for....
W E SEEM to be awash with movies offering Great Thoughts about man--about his behavior under pressure, his elementary violence, his drive to be free. I cannot judge those films I have not...
DEATH AND THE JUDGES ISIDORE SILVER Cruel and unusual punishment? On January 17, 1972, the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in four cases involving the constitutionality of...
BEFORE WE ELECT BISHOPS LELAND I. WHITE The present priest-selection methods may be the critical issue Right now symbolic satisfaction to be derived from electing bishops in the United States...
Commonweal this Spring FRANCE ON TRIAL To what extent will things start changing as a result of the Nixon Russia visit next month?" Will organized labor's withdrawal from the Pay Board thwart the...
as a seat for the Vichy Government. The Hohenzollern castle that de la Maziere is visiting represents all the values he thought to preserve and inherit in France through his service of Nazism....