NEWS & VIEWS Tfce Bell Tolls The obit statement of the editors of Herder Correspondence makes doleful reading, pointing up the difficulty even of essentially middle-of-theroad religious...
CORRESPONDENCE Torture in Brazil Great Neck, N.Y. To the Editors: I want to take this opportunity to congratulate and bless you for della Cava's recent essay on Brazil and the abominable...
307 EXTREMISM Commencement exercises this year once again focused attention on student militancy. The President appointed a commission to examine the causes of campus turmoil. Margaret Chase...
308 Rhodesian Bishops: No Apartheid On April 28 the Protestant leaders and Catholic bishops of Rhodesia announced that they would not obey the new Land Tenure Act nor register as "voluntary...
Frown the Past: Kerensky & Briining Kerensky once spoke to a Russian history class I was attending. I don't remember what he said. As though it mattered. He had been saying the same thing for...
KIDNAPPED DIPLOMATS: GREEK TRAGEDY ON A LATIN STAGE MARCIO MOREIRA ALVES Karl Von Spreti, West Germany's ambassador, Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro, Guatemala's lame-duck president and the...
THE PROBLEM OF HOPE Can we judge the theology of hope an unmixed blessing? MARY DALY In recent years we have heard a great deal about the theology of hope. Such scholars as Jiirgen...
317 BOO! THE STAGE Ghosts are haunting me. A few weeks ago in these pages I complained that Child's Play was like a production of The Innocents with Quint always on stage. Not long after I...
318 NEIGH! THE SCREEN A production note in the press release distributed at the screening of "A Man Called Horse" reads, "This is not just another Hollywood version of the Indian legend, but...
BOOKS O0 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 LIFE AND KARD TIMES SAUL MALOFF Let me construct the latest Eternal Principle, which is to say a sneaky, intuitive, nighttime hunch, or...
BOOKS LIFE AND HARD TIMES SAUL MALOFF Let me construct the latest Eternal Principle, which is to say a sneaky, intuitive, nighttime hunch, or halfidea, the sort that looks like a...