NEWS & The Grape Strike The grape strike has been going on for so long that it's acquired a perverse sort of normalcy. Like a non-fatal tumor, it's there, it's annoying, yet you live with...
CORRESPONDENCE Oberammergau ... Nix New York, N.Y. To the Editors: The Passion Play of Oberammergau is to be given again this year, May 18. Begun in 1633 as a vow taken by the Oberammergau...
THE ABORTION DEBATE At one stage in the passage of a New York bill permitting abortion upon agreement between a woman and her doctor, a liberal newspaper termed the measure a "triumph for...
Labor's Political hick-Still There? A recent issue of the weekly newspaper of the St. Louis Labor Council devoted much of its front page to the visitation of Vice President Spiro Agnew to the...
TORTURE American public opinion* the Christian IN churches* and the academic comtnunity have a special responsibility to protest. BRAZIL Ralph delta Cava (Continued from front cover)...
GAMES CORPORATIONS PLAY Yes, Virginia, there is a military-industrial complex STEVEN V. ROBERTS A visit to a large aerospace firm can be a very unsettling experience. I recently spent...
THE STAGE When the opening of Art Buchwald's Sheep on the Runway (at the Helen Hayes) was followed shortly by Jules Feiffer's The White House Murder Case (at the Circle in the Square) several of...
BOOKS Daniel Berrigan winds the spring tighter The Trial of the Catonsville Nine DANIEL BERRIGAN Beacon Press, $5.95 Trial Poems DANIEL BERRIGAN & TOM LEWIS Beacon Press, $17.50 JAMES ...