NEWS & VIEWS The Biatran Tragedy Catholic Relief Services' coordinator of Biafran relief stood at the head of the table and cautioned against believing all one read about...
CORRESPONDENCE C r e a t i v e P e r s i s t e n c e Chicago To the Editors: In his article "Resistance in the Church" [May 16], Father Bianchi gives consideration to the objections of...
Pittsburgh Los Angeles Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A TALE OF THREE CITIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles The Los Angeles mayoral election proved two things. It proved...
criticism of Mayor Richard Daley and used the occasion to salute Pittsburgh's mayor as "my good friend, Joe Barr." The incident pointed up the sometimes strange working alliance between the...
burgh's melting pot. More important, the Republicans are putting big money into the Tabor campaign. The election will be held in November. RUSSELL W. ~mBONS (Russell W. Gibbons, former aide to a...
SISSON'S COMPLAINT, WYZANSKI'S PLOY _9 _9 _9 _9 0 _9 _9 0 _9 _9 0 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 0 _9 Putting the Supreme Court on the spot ISIDORE SILVER Chief Judge Charles E. Wyzanski of the Federal...
ment"mneither acquit nor convict--rather than simply acquit? An analysis of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and Supreme Court appeals practice clearly indicates the reasons. Wyzanski...
selves to obey the law they respect without the necessity of judicial and administrative orders. When the law treats a reasonable, conscientious act as a crime it subverts its own power. It...
quish the somewhat artificial prestige attached to the simple fact of being a member of a religious community. Honor and deference, not normally accorded to others, can be lavished on the...
John Schlesinger, who with Jerome Hellman gave "Midnight Cowboy" its good production, is first-rate in his direction of the actors in these two lead roles. Newcomer Jon Voight is just right as...