NEWS AND VIEWS The trauma of the Kennedy and King assassinations could not move strong gun control legislation through the last Congress; neither could the pressures of the Johnson...
CORRESPONDENCE I s r a e l and Southwick New York To the Editors: The issues raised by Mr. Southwick [Jan. 24] have been answered so many times that to find them cropping up again causes one...
CORRESPONDENCE I s r a e l and Southwick New York To the Editors: The issues raised by Mr. Southwick [Jan. 24] have been answered so many times that to find them cropping up again causes one...
how about doing something about the 271/2 percent oil depletion allowance and all those oil millionaires who have been getting fat at the expense of their fellow-taxpayers for so...
WWWWThese protesters, of course, were overruled, and the reason is very simple: money. One Interior official put it this way: "Congress told us to develop these resources in 1953 and that's...
even modest bail and therefore spent long periods in jail awaiting their trials in clogged and understaffed courts. To relieve the poor of at least that burden, the Bail Reform Act directed the...
PRUDES, LEWDS AND POLYSYLLABLES _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 0 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 Does pornography contribute to sexual degradation? JAMES H. SMYLIE Howard Moody, pastor of the Judson Memorial...
redefining obscenity and the pornographic in terms of that which makes life inhumane, then one begins to worry. I have come to doubt that opinion which insists that pornographic material does not...
DOPING THE BOOK-MAKERS Coming attractions in the Catholic book trade PHILIP NOBILE Today's book is indubitably older than yesterday's newspaper. Forged from last year's lectures, old...
BUNUEL & WELLES _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 O O O O _9 THE SCREEN "On top of a pillar Simeon sat." So starts Phyllis Mco Ginley's tender and amusing poem, "Simeon Stylites." And so starts Luis...
BOOKS _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 0 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 A selection j o r Catholic Book Week Sacramentum Mahdi: An Encyclopedia o f Theology, V o l s . ! and ! ! EDIT. KARL RAHNER...