NEWS & The present corporate tax VIEWS rate is 52.8 percent. By 1972, this will drop to 46...
• • • • that date for international political reasons, but the situa tion has not...
version" can be punished with one to three years' im- are exiled, jailed or murdered, students repressed, peas- prisonment; the Orwellian touch is in the clause about ants kept in a de...
THE COUNTER CURRICULUM .......... ....... . A spiritual taxonomy of higher...
It would be further understood that the personal di- ones of competitive individualism and self-repression. mensions of "spiritual communication,'.' with oneself or Although this brief...
GOOD-BYE, HARVARD '69 Commencement reconsidered DAVID R. PAPKE The June commencement...
side. It proved to be a fortunate decision because when a televised interview, JKG had noted, "The only thing my year's contingent appeared, it numbered a grand wrong with...
In such a situation cooperation and good will alone movie version. But I hardly expected such a flat movie will not bring significant change. The task is to rekindle from such...
Masina, and Dame Edith Evans as her equally wacky of Giraudoux's brightest dialogue, a selection of stunning friends who are madwomen of other districts. As the ...