CORRESPONDENCE _9 O 0 _9 _9 O 0 _9 _9 Whose Church I s It? Bratenahl, Ohio To the Editors: H~iring's article [Sept. 6] upset me. I'm glad he wrote what he did and I'm glad that he is still...
CORRESPONDENCE _9 O 0 _9 _9 O 0 _9 _9 Whose Church I s It? Bratenahl, Ohio To the Editors: H~iring's article [Sept. 6] upset me. I'm glad he wrote what he did and I'm glad that he is still...
The [early] Christian Community finds itselJ producing the li]e o] Jesus by the power oJ the Spirit. It is then, perhaps, in the actual experience oj this, that they begin to realize that the...
thought) vacillated between Christ himself and the Spirit; St. Paul also alternates between an impersonal and a personal use of the Spirit. The synoptic Gospels in some passages see Christ as...
%~_/L,~/~/~ ~ / ~ / -A -~ v v c.d.....L4_.<.'L4,x..-. The Spirit completes the mission o / C h r i s t and makes him present in the world in the unity o] the one body~ as well as in the...
,7 . ; ' , o . . . . . _9 . . o , . o ~ . o o . . . . . . . . . . . _ 9 , . ~ 1 7 6 . ~ . . . . _9 . , ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . o r . _9 o o . . . . . . . . . . . o o . o d o _ 9 - * . . . -...
I - - - 5Z5 For a Roman Catholic to believe himselt healed by the Blessed Virgin at Lourdes is a mark oJ childlike piety; to believe in a healing by the Holy Spirit through a charism is a...
What the Spirit.ideologies jundamentally represent is the cultural emergence in the American Catholic world oJ a basically healthy and widespread Romantic Revival. HOLY SPIRIT AS...
not search for what the great American 'Mainstream' likes to call 'fringe' groups in order to document the American Romantic revolt. It had been said of Giambattista Vico, the great eighteenth...
BOOKS O O O O O O O O _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 O From Bertrand Russell to Sigmund Freud by way o] the New Church The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell: 1914.1944 Little, Brown and Co....