NEWS AND VIEWS The battle of words continues over the possibility of getting medical aid through Hanoi to the civilian needy of North Vietnam. Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director of...
CORRESPONDENCE Power Shock Margaretville, N.Y. To the Editors: I would like to express my gratitude for your editorial "The Old Power Play" (Oct. 20). I write as a Presbyterian parish minister,...
THE HOUSE THAT LOST ITS HEAD Toward the end of Thomas Mann's Magic Mountain, civilization begins to come apart as Europe drifts into World War One. The supernatural happens, objects fly through the...
Education up a Tree: the Plight of City College City College (CCNY) has achieved a singular identity and has made both its presence and myth part of the permanent legacy of New York. From Bernard...
LAY CONGRESS THE TWO CHURCHES Rome There used to be an amateur hour on TV in which the winner was automatically determined by the highest score on an electronic applause meter. If such a system...
CHURCH AND SECT Should the Church be inclusive or exclusive? DANIEL CALLAHAN In more ways than one, the reform which has stirred the churches during recent years has reached an important...
Growing-up absurd THE EDUCATION OF WOMBATS PAUL WEST "What they do, these kids," the young nervous, intense, French-Jewish professor told me at the highly-esteemed university I was visiting, "is...
FLOW GENTLY SWEET LIFFEY THE SCREEN In their ardent search for material, movie makers have come up this week with three films all stemming from books unlikely as a source for pictures....
LUCEY IN THE SKY MEDIA The interesting thing about television, like religion, is that it exists at all. That must be proof of something. But ask what that something is, and the screen blows and...
SR. MARY ELLEN, S.S.N.D. RECALL Rocks lingered in the brown Potomac like old men in the local pub, while black weeds strangled a star on the mountainside. Shacked against the hills, each town...
BOOKS The Suez adventure alter eleven years No End of a Lesson ANTHONY NUTTING Potter, $5 Suez HUGH THOMAS Harper & Row, $5.95 GABRIEL GERSH For a minor war, the Suez expedition in 1956 has...