NEWS AND VIEWS In his syndicated column for March 20, William F. Buckley, Jr. argues that Catholics should not stand in the way of attempts to ease the abortion laws, but should reconsider...
CORRESPONDENCE St. John's S t a t u t e s New York, N.Y. To the Editors: The letter from Francis Griffith, a member of the faculty of St. John's University, which appeared in your issue of...
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, and has criticized the Administration's Vietnam policy. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, one of Professor Hughes' opponents when he was an independent...
enthusiasm. The hope spread to the seminary; for the Cardinal was saying now that he would meet with the seminarians after the U.S. bishops met at Washington in April to discuss the conciliar...
ALL THINGS CONSIDERED A UNION FOR PRIESTS How do the clergy feel about Father DuBay's proposal for a priests' union? This would be the acid test, but as far as I know, no one has taken a poll...
FIASCO IN CHURCH MUSIC Compounding an aesthetic mistake RALPH THIBODEAU Without intending any aid and comfort to the enemy on the far right, I think it is time to admit that the musical...
the Gregorian chant, but with Renaissance and modern sacred polyphony also encouraged. It gives no mandate to discard artistic music in the ehurehes. Yet, in its practical implementation by...
FOUR-YEAR TERMS? Reform of Congress WALTER DEAN BURNHAM The President would have been out of his usual form had his State of the Union Message not contained at least a few surprises. This year...
maxim has been to produce, more visibly every year, a constitutional crisis which many have predicted but none has been able to prevent. One's thoughts thus turn to more meaningful changes in...
between bouts of love-making and discussion there are many flashbacks showing how they came to be there during this three-day weekend. A viewer may have a little difficulty following these...
William Inge's approach to the new generation is rather different. He wants to be den mother-the twinkling oldster who understands youth better than anyone and who talks to it from the shoulder...