NEWS AND VIEWS How the U.S. subsidizes China in South Vietnam: "The pick of the stories now going the rounds is that Chinese gold purchases in recent months have been to some extent a cashing...
CORRESPONDENCE "The Catholic Campus" San Francisco, Calif. To the Editors: Everyone interested in the improvement of Catholic higher education in the United States will be grateful to the Dean...
THE VIETNAM DEBATE The Senate debate on Vietnam began pleasantly enough with Senator Russell B. Long, the Democratic whip, impugning the loyalty of Administration critics. The Senator cited...
NATIONAL AFFAIRS HUMPHREY AND 1972 There is a myth that no one seeks the Vice Presidency. The occupants of that office are supposed to be chosen by accident or in a fit of absence of mind. The...
GOD AND THE DRAFT Can non-believers be conscientious objectors? EDWARD IV. BEISER At least since the days of Gideon, military recruitment has posed serious problems both for...
"The only excuse for the Jew is God" REDISCOVERING JUDAISM ARTHUR A. COHEN To rediscover Judaism is to presume that it has been lost, that like some island in an archipelago it had once been...
Revolution on stage MARAT / SADE PAUL VELDE Is "Marat/Sade" fated to be another "Tiny Alice" for the critics, a celebrated puzzle embellished by a tantalizing dance of discrete themes? Does...
A sketch THE MINOR NOVELIST WILFRID SHEED He works with the blinds down and he doesn't believe that James Bond is a spoof, or that Tom Wolfe is a spoof. He believes that they are nuncios...
DOUGLAS L. FBOST THAT MARCH DAY That March day when the hill runs with clear water and the sidewalk is wet between the cracks and the earth is brown, soft, making mud and the last crests of...
PASOLINI'S MATTHEW THE SCREEN The appearance in this country of the highly praised "The Gospel According to St. Matthew," made by an Italian Communist, will probably start anew the...
BOOKS The search for a unified portrait The Three Lives of Charles Be Gaulle DAVID SCHOENBRUN Atheneum, $6.95 WILSON C. McWIIXIAMS Charles de Gaulle once remarked that he "has no...