NEWS AND VIEWS According to the Tablet of London, a nationwide poll (unidentified) in Holland shows that 68 percent of Dutch Catholics and 81 percent of the general population prefer a...
CORRESPONDENCE Boston Cambridge, Mass. To the Editors: I read with amazement Thomas McDonnell's review of Martin Green's The Problem of Boston (Sept. 16). In no way can Mr. McDonnell's often...
alone operate any warships in the rivers. Any such would have been bombed long ago." Even more interestingly, the pilot launches into a brief cost-analysis of destroying water buffalo, goats and...
ALL THINGS CONSIDERED The Archbishop and the Sisters By now the first shock of the news of restrictions on the Glenmary Sisters by Archbishop Alter of Cincinnati has worn off, but the matter is...
ELIE WIESEL— THE MODERN JOB MAURICE FRIEDMAN From an intensive dialogue with Melville, Dostoevsky, Kafka, and Camus, I proposed in my book Problematic Rebel the figure of "the Modern Job." This...
Rise of the social Christians LATIN LEFT SIDNEY LENS The Catholic Church in Latin America is normally considered a bastion of reaction, an ally of the oligarchies. This image is still...
LIQUOR IS THICKER THE STAGE Edward Albee breaks out the bottles early in his new play "A Delicate Balance." Which means that for the first two acts, it's strictly drink and pour, pour and drink,...
THE FILM FESTIVAL THE SCREEN Although Warren Beatty played the lead in one of the better movies in last year's New York Film Festival, "Mickey One," I doubt if the Festival would have asked for...
BOOKS Virginia Woolfs altars to the dead Virginia Woolf and Her Works JEAN GUIGUET Harcourt, Brace, $8.50 JAMES R. MELLOW In her time, Virginia Woolf was considered a difficult vanguard...