NEWS AND VIEWS Newsweek recently ran an "on-the-onehand-on-the-other-hand" article about Cardinal Spellman. On-the-other-hand included this quote from Rabbi Balfour Brickner of the Union of...
CORRESPONDENCE "Religious Slum-Dwellers" Notre Dame, Ind. To the Editors: There are no doubt many of us who breathed a collective sigh of, if not relief, then at least refreshment, on reading...
SHACKLING THE SISTERS A good deal of the restiveness in the Church today grows from the fear that the victories at Vatican II will yet prove illusory—that what has been won, on paper, may not be...
NATIONAL AFFAIRS THE OUTSIDER'S REPORT Since the political campaign is now well underway, it is important that we bring you an up-to-the-minute edition of our Special Political Almanac based on...
THE JUNIOR COLLEGE: SOCIAL EXPERIMENT The relationship between social status and academic success ftf ARJORIE FALLOWS Across a nation belatedly conscious of the need for more advanced...
NEGROES IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS JOSEPH M. CRONIN Many of those wrestling with "de facto" segregation in Northern school systems now point an accusing finger at Catholic schools. The most powerful...
DOM JULIAN STEAD OCTOBER III \Tf \ft Over the fullrunning streams burbling through the marsh Deep dark grey was the low heaven, swift in the wind, Yellow-brown the woods, color of sand, the...
Important experiments NEW SEMINARIES IN EUROPE WIIXARD F. JABLSCH Louvain is a city with problems. The Christian and academic peace of the much-battered Belgian university town has now been...
tions of his film (like "Dialogue Without Consumer Product" and the reference to this being about "the children of Marx and Coca Cola") long, seemingly endless, scenes in which the young characters...
BOOKS The phenomenon of Charles de Gaulle De Gaulle: a Political Biography ALEXANDER WERTH Simon & Schuster, $7.50 JV© Laurels for De Gaulle ROBERT MENGIN Farrar, Straus, $6.95 MEL...