COiRRESPONDENCIE _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 O _9 O @ V i o l i n Chattanooga, Term. To the Editors: Watching James O'Gara'j attempt3 to resolve his inner conflicts and yet remain a "good" American indeed...
theme" as "that of the constant danger of priests becoming too involved in temporal matters. These matters should be left to the laity." This is a grammatic and logical contradiction. If I am...
_9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WASHINGTON REPORT EXCISING THE POOR Of all the economic interests that exert their strength upon the national political scene, the automobile industry is...
0 0 0 0 0 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 ALL THINGS CONSIDERED THE REAL ENEMY We still have to confront the real enemy in Latin America, and by this time I assume President Johnson has come to...
THE NEW FREEDOM _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 What the revolution in the Church has brought DANIEL CALLAHAN The French Revolution, one recalls, began in a mild enough way. Dominated...
SHOULD STUDENTS GO SOUTH? The era o/ the weekend warrior is over FRANK MILLSPAUGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 Should students go South? The question is a natural and necessary one,...
The civil rights movement grows, and the nature of its needs changes. These needs demand new people with new ideas, new abilities, and new understandings. Being there is no longer sufficient; one...
_9 _9 _9 Novelist as picaresque hero MALRAUX'S FATE 0 0 0 0 0 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 _9 MARTIN TURNELL _9 _9 _9 Andr6 Malraux is one of the most colorful figures in contemporary literature and one of...
only one protagonist. Almost the entire action is concerned with Kassner, the Communist, who is literally imprisoned and tortured by the Nazis. His captors fail to discover his identity and...
off a good many such obsessions-one thinks of George Orwell, who brought the smell of excrement into almost everything he wrote-but Brecht seems to have got this out of his system early, to have...
BOOKS _9 _9 _9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 Our attitudes toward death and their meaning/or li/e Suicide and the Soul JAMES HILLMAN Harper and Row, $3.50 EDMUND J. EGAN This is a beautiful...