NEWS & VIEWS Some findings of the recent Gallup Poll Survey of Religion in England: Fifty-nine percent of Catholics go to Mass most Sundays; 64 percent pray. On artificial birth control: 44...
CORRESPONDENCE Cuba New York, N.Y. To the Editors: In the October 1 issue of your magazine Leslie Dewart asserts that the cooperation of Red Cuba with Latin American Communist parties...
BURNING DRAFT CARDS Seldom does there occur a liturgical ceremony more impressive than the draft-card burning which took place in Manhattan's Union Square November 6. Through the opening poems...
WHAT THE STUDENTS WANT The meaning of the protests JOSEPH L. WALSH The purpose of the student riots last year at Berkeley was "to convince as great a number of people as possible that society...
An uncertain status CUBANS IN MIAMI C. K. YEARLEY Cubans availing themselves of Fidel Castro's recently announced "open door" policy were, in mid-October, crossing the Straits of Florida at...
A Protestant Viewpoint CREEDS AND CONFESSIONS ROBERT MeAFEE BROWN What is the relationship of a church to its creedal and confessional statements? To what degree is a church bound to...
HOUSE OF NO MIRTH THE SCREEN The plethora of new films not only keeps a reviewer on the run but also shortens the length of reviews that have to be squeezed into an assigned space. Some...
PAUL VELDE THE MASTER BUILDER The forms are up, the cracks calked, Pour me some concrete, Master Builder. The dawn can wait, I cannot. Over here, Master Builder! What they do these days — Not...
CONQUESTS THE STAGE Two new historical plays: one getting by with a fairly good story, the other squandering a better one. "Royal Hunt of the Sun" is a sad case of waste. It chronicles the...
Books The Church looks outward Eyes on the Modern World: Views on Schema 13 EDIT. JOHN G. DEEDY, JR. Kenedy, $4.95 WILLIAM BIRMINGHAM Events have conspired to undermine this symposium, which...