NEWS & VIEWS Senator Stennis has congratulated the FBI for its fine work in apprehending David Miller, the 22-year-old pacifist who publicly burned his draft card October 15. The fine work...
CORRESPONDENCE "The Secular City" New York, N.Y. To the Editors: Mr. Calkhan's presentation of what Harvey Cox proposed in The Secular City is so devoid of man's supernatural aspiration that one...
PRINCIPLES AND FACTS The only thing which may be harder than relating one principle to another is to relate principles to facts. To have to do both at the same time is enough to induce a massive...
NATIONAL AFFAIRS LAST DA YS OF CONGRESS At the end, a great Congress whimpered its way into history. The last weeks of the session were taken up with the disposal of various pieces of political...
A Dissenting Voice THE JEWISH DECLARATION HAWS J. MORGENTHAU I am dissatisfied with the Vatican Council's statement on the relations between Christians and Jews but not because the final...
Beautifying by legislation UGLINESS WD THE LAW President Johnson has decided that the "Great Society" is to be, in large part, the "Beautiful Society." His highway beautification bill is a...
FROST AS DRAMA THE STAGE "An Evening's Frost" is easily the high-point of the new season—a modest enough compliment, but a heartfelt one. Most of it was written by Frost himself, so it contains...
P.O.W. THE SCREEN Incredible as it seems, the war films go on and on— and by now have extended beyond the cycle stage into a permanent category. Like the poor, it may be with us always—or at least...
IS GOD DEAD? COMMENT I think one can take it for granted that any radically new theological movement is going to be offensive. This is doubly true of what William Hamilton has called the "death...
ROBERT BEUM LUX URBANITATIS 1 Thanksgiving afternoon. Downtown's A suburb. Almost prairie. Street; Sidewalk; low building: a retreat Clean as the prairie's still, scrubbed browns. Sparing...
Children's Books READING AND SINGING CLAIRE HUCHET BISHOP 1965 Children's Book Week slogan—"Sing Out for Books"—rings out gaily in three languages—English, French and Spanish. It is a paean to...
A SELECTED LIST OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS ANNE T. EATON RELIGION AND CHRISTMAS Away in a Manger: A Story of the Nativity. By Mares and Paul Nuss-baumer. Harcourt. $4.25. The story of the Christ...