THE COMMONWEAL A WEEKLY REVIEW OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS, LITERATURE AND THE ARTS Shared Time A COMMITTEE of the U.S. Senate recently assembled and published forty-six pages cataloguing what has been...
The Aden Base TWO IMPERIALISMS appear to be met head-on in the forbidding hills of southern Arabia. The first of these, the British, is attempting a holding action under incredible conditions. With...
Spectacle in Vietnam THERE ARE many, many things a political leader can do to win the support of the people. Some, such as effective programs of social reform, are both practical and moral. Others,...
ALL THINGS CONSIDERED Christian Anti-Semitism TWO EVENTS in one recent week served to highlight Catholic-Jewish relations. The first was a talk in New York by Cardinal Spellman at a session of the...
Religiosity Is the Opiate of the People The Beast from the Sea BRUCE VAWTER THE PERENNIAL relevance of the Apocalypse is in its portrayal of the State as the enemy of the City of God. This...
The Spread of Grandeur De Gaulle's Canadian Beachhead JOHN D. HARBRON ANDRE MALRAUX, President de Gaulle's Minister of State for Cultural Affairs, was all smiles last fall when he opened France's...
Perspective Those influential straying asses, Saul, Did you think back to them sometimes, the dance They led, and the unlooked for circumstance— The young Anointed choice, well-favored, tall (We...
THE SCREEN Shall We Join the Ladies? SURELY one shouldn't suspect the movie-makers of being misogynous, but a packet of current films would lead one to believe the worst. In most of these the...
Children's Books Learning Bigotry CLAIRE HUCHET BISHOP For however great is Athens and however great is Rome, we will be judged neither by a subtle Greek nor by a logical Roman, but by a Jew who...
Zolotow's fans will be pleased to learn that this is the Zolotows' own poodle and own father. Mrs. Zolotow has another new book this spring, A Rose, A Bridge, and a Wild Black Horse. Harper....