THE COMMONWEAL A WEEKLY REVIEW OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS, LITERATURE AND THE ARTS De Facto Segregation THERE ARE times when it seems almost a law of human nature that the greater the urgency for a...
Prosperity and Jobs AT YEAR'S END the indicators pointed, for all those involved in the system, to new levels of prosperity. Profits of many of our largest corporations were veering or edging...
Goldwater's Thirty Days PRESIDENT Kennedy's remark that Barry Gold-water "wouldn't last a month" after declaring for the Presidency wasn't mere political bombast. Within the prescribed thirty days,...
Safety in the Airlanes LET ME STATE the central fact first: I am and have long been a card-carrying coward. Despite this fact, every year I fly many thousands of miles, mostly to give talks in...
Marriage: the Lay Voice Those who know marriage the best have contributed the least to the understanding of married life IN ALMOST any Catholic bookstore, one can find perhaps a dozen books on how...
Pressures on South Africa A losing battle for white supremacy THE RECENT RESOLUTION of the United Nations Security Council calling upon U.N. members to institute an arms embargo against South...
Changes in the Liturgy Taking the first steps toward spiritual renewal THE SESSION of Vatican II which closed on December 4 has been summed up by Father Gregory Baum as "disappointing but not...
The Tragedy of Trotsky A tactician who never penetrated reality THE LIFE of Leon Trotsky presents the conflict of an individualist temperament serving a faith in the historical inevitability of...
The Green-Eyed to the Shallow-Footed The pines impress: "We have been green all winter And sentient along this landscaped plot. You giddy, dangling willows with your splintered Sunlight on beaded...
THE SCREEN Backward, Turn Backward IT IS INTERESTING that the most absorbing film on our screens right now wasn't made as a film in the first place. It is "Point of Order," a 97-minute documentary...
CORRESPONDENCE "Women and the Church" Fribourg, Switzerland TO THE EDITORS: I was ashamed when I read the excellent article by Rosemary Lauer on "Women and the Church" [Dec. 20]-ashamed that I...
BOOKS Hugo Rahtier's Pursuit of Christian Archetypes Greek Myths and Christian Mystery. By Hugo Rahner, S.J. Harper 6-Row. $10. by Arthur A. Cohen IT SHOULD not be strange that a Jewish humanist...